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2 Sources of evidence to inform professional practice.
TPGES Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Peer Observation formative Professional Growth Self-Reflection Student Voice Student Growth Sources of evidence to inform professional practice. The TPGES is designed to consider several measures of effectiveness. Today we will focus on Student Voice.

3 What do all of these sites have in common?
What is the purpose of these sites? Who provides the feedback on these sites? Are the people providing feedback doctors, movie producers, hotel managers? Why is the feedback on these sites so important and valuable? Key to emphasize that the feedback on the sites is constructed by people who have had first-hand experience with what they are reviewing. In schools- WHO really has a first-hand experience with teachers? STUDENTS. What do all of these sites have in common?

4 Why Kids Should Grade Teachers
The Big Three Activity Identify THREE takeaways from the article on notecard Take THREE minutes to share your takeaways with someone else To begin the discussion around students providing feedback to teachers, participants will read the article “Why Kids Should Grade Teachers” written by Amanda Ripley. Participants will be asked to write down 3 big ideas/takeaways from the article and be prepared to share those with another person. Volunteers will be asked to share out some powerful takeaways.

5 Why Kids Should Grade Teachers My Big Three
Test scores can reveal when kids are not learning; they can’t reveal WHY. They might make teachers relax or despair- but they can’t help teachers improve. Survey results don’t change depending on race or income- not the case with test data, which can rise depending on how white and affluent a school is. If you ask kids the right questions, they can identify, with uncanny accuracy, their most- and least-effective teachers. Will share my big three takeaways- focus on the research that was referenced in the article that confirms the reliability of student voice as a viable measure. Share professional example of Stakeholder Surveys that were conducted when I was a principal/teacher. Transition to teacher highlighted in Teaching Channel video and how he uses the results of Student Voice surveys. Encourage the audience to focus on the questioning the principal ask as survey results are reviewed. Listen to the students- what are their thoughts about doing teacher surveys??

6 MET Project: Student Voice
Reference the MET project and resources at provided link

7 Student Voice in the Classroom
Teaching Channel Video student-feedback

8 Mr. Ronevich Question #1 Question #2 How did Mr. Ronevich use the results to improve his teaching? How did the principal use the results to help Mr. Ronevich improve? Split the room into two groups- each group will discuss one questions and then share out. Question 1 *teacher open to getting better, recognizing room for improvement *reflective when looking at results *intentionality in daily interaction with students to avoid yelling Question 2 *focusing on positive results- asking probing questions about why things are going well *strategic questioning to provoke analysis of results Conversation centered around the questions- Mr. Ronevich knew the questions and so should your teachers.

9 Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice
A Look at the Questions Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Survey questions are on KDE link- also print copy. Important to note the questions are grounded in Domains 2 & 3 of the Framework. Teachers need to see the connection of the questions to effective teaching. Questions are structured around S.T.U.D.E.N.T.- refer to overview sheet.

10 S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Survey Questions relate to construct of S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Three Different Surveys- all levels completed online K-2 (administered individually to student by adult) 3-5 6-12 Link to Kentucky S.T.U.D.E.N.T. Voice Surveys (KDE website)

11 Identify your correlation on the poster for each survey.
Student Voice & FfT For your assigned letter, match the question/construct to the most appropriate component from the Kentucky Framework for Teaching document. Identify your correlation on the poster for each survey. Use the Framework- participants will match questions/constructs to components. Emphasis on no correct answer key for this activity- your work will create the correlation. Will share appropriate matches. Letters will be determined by color of index card.

12 Group Assignment Pink Card: S Blue Card: T Yellow Card: U
Purple Card: D Red Card: E Green Card: N White Card: T Participants will work in their assigned letter group and match the FfT components to the assigned construct. Will identify on posters their matches. Posters will stay up if others want to review the work after the session. No time for gallery walk during presentation.

13 K-2 Survey Support: 2B Transparency: 2B, 3D, 2E, 3A Understand: 3D, 3C
Discipline: 2D, 2C Engage: 3C, 3B Nurture: 2A, 3D, 3B Trust: 3B, 2B, 2A, 2B Quick review to emphasize direct correlation to FfT.

14 3-5 Survey Support: 2B Transparency: 2B, 3D, 2E, 3A, 3D
Understand: 3D, 3C Discipline: 2B, 2D Engage: 3C, 3B Nurture: 2A, 3D, 3B Trust: 3B, 2B, 2A

15 6-12 Survey Support: 2B, 3D Transparency: 3A, 3E, 3D Understand: 3D
Discipline: 2A, 2D, 2C Engage: 3C, 3B Nurture: 2A Trust: 2A, 2B, 3B, 2C

16 DISTRICT Student Perception Results
Explain that there are several reports available related to Student Voice. District report that identifies the overall score and breakdown for each school by construct. How would this be useful for district personnel?

17 School Student Perception Results
School Report- principals can see by school all teacher results. How would this report be helpful for a principal? How would this report affect professional learning in your school?

18 Teacher Student Perception Results
Teachers can see an individual report of all students who took survey- no names. How could this information be helpful for a teacher? How would it be useful in Professional Growth Planning? How might the results impact future instruction?

19 Analyzing Student Voice Results
ACTIVITY Each table will have a 6-12 and 3-5 data sheet to review. Table will split into two groups- each group taking a level. Share out with large group.

20 Student Voice to Improve Teaching
Q & A with Jennifer Howard Magoffin County H.S. Math Teacher Via Lync Jennifer Howard will do a short Q & A around how she used last year’s Student Voice results. Jennifer has questions before session.

21 Getting Ready for Student Voice
Administration Window: ~March 19-April 2 ACTIVE Infinite Campus Student Portal ~Usernames & Passwords Student Voice Survey Guidance Document Refer participants to the KDE’s webpage- Student Voice. Instruct participants to download the Student Voice Survey Guidance Document. Districts/Schools need to identify POC for Student Voice. Show participants how to access KDE webpage for Student Voice.

22 KDE Student Voice Link nt-Voice-Survey.aspx Live link to take participants to KDE webpage

23 Student Voice What needs to happen NOW to get ready for Student Voice?
Who needs to be involved in preparing your district/school for Student Voice administration? Give participants time to discuss the two questions. Emphasize the importance of reviewing the Student Voice Guidance Document!!!

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