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IST 497E Information Retrieval and Organization

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1 IST 497E Information Retrieval and Organization
Meta Search IST 497 E Meta-Search, Pradeep Teregowda

2 Overview What is a Meta Search Engine Features Differences
Architecture Some Meta Search Engines Conclusions and Future ?


4 Overview What is a Meta Search Engine ? Traveling Further
Why Meta Search ?

5 What Is a Meta Search Engine ?
Dictionary meaning for Meta: “more comprehensive : transcending.”- Simple Explanation “A Meta Search engine allows you to search multiple search engines at once, returning more comprehensive and relevant results, fast.” –MetaCrawler {modified}

6 Traveling Further A little bit of History:
Started with Harvest (1995) –[Ref: Information Discovery and Access System – C. Mic Bowman et al]. Was developed for gathering information from repositories, building topic-specific content indexes, web-caching,flexible searching. In many ways current Meta Search engines have similar aims.

7 Why Are Meta Search Engines Useful ?
Meta Search improves the Search Quality in many ways: Comprehensive, Efficient, One query queries all {one-click paradigm},

8 Why Meta Search ? Individual Search engines don’t cover all the web by themselves, Individual Search Engines are prone to spamming {people trying to raise their ranking profile. In a non-legitimate manner or to promote commerce}, Difficulty in deciding and obtaining results with combined searches on different search engines,

9 Why Meta Search ? Data Fusion {multiple formats supported},
In Case of niche search engines provides the ‘big picture’, Takes less effort.

10 Overview Features

11 Features. Unifies the Search Interface and provides a consistent user interface, Standardizes the query structure, May make use of an independent ranking method for the results {rank-merging}, May have an independent ranking system for each search engine/database it searches, Meta Search is not a search for Meta Data.

12 Overview Differences Differences {Search vs. Meta Search}.

13 Differences {Search Vs. Meta-search}
Doesn’t generally have a Database by itself, Does not search{crawl} the web. A Meta-Search Engine in terms of search engine. Essentially is a hub of search engines/databases accessible by a common interface providing the user with results which may/may not be ranked independently of the original search engine/source ranking.

14 Overview Architecture/Internals A block representation,
What do those blocks do ?, Queries, Ranking.

15 Architecture Feedback Knowledge Personalize Dispatcher Query
User Interface User S E 1 S E 2 S E 3 Web Display

16 What Do Those Blocks Do ? User Interface Dispatcher
Normally resemble search engine interfaces with options for Types of search [Media] Search Engines to Use Dispatcher Generates actual queries to the search engines by using the user query May involve choosing/expanding search engines to use

17 What Do Those Blocks Do ? Display. Personalization/Knowledge.
Generates Results page from the replies received, May involve ranking,parsing,clustering of the search results or just plain stitching. Personalization/Knowledge. May contain either or both. Personalization may involve weighting of search results/query/engine for each user.

18 Queries STARTS { protocol }. Inquirus: Expand Queries.
A simple protocol that text search engines should follow to facilitate searching and indexing multiple collections of text documents. Choosing best source for a query, Evaluating a query at those sources, Merging the query results from them. Inquirus: Expand Queries. Ex: (What does Satellite stand for = Satellite stands for).

19 Independent Ranking Stitch together the results [Dogpile],
Selection of a particular Search Engine based on a query – a meta index [SavySearch-Resource Balancing], Rank merging based on Search Engine rating [MetaCrawler], Context analysis for search results with respect to the query [Inquirus].

20 Fusion of Other Media Inquirus. Motivation for a meta-search {Images}:
Queries from the user can be modified, since individual search engines are good at different types of queries the results are very good. How ? See Reference {Skipped because of topic overlap}. Can it work for others ? Example: FTP,Music – Probably yes [P2P searches].

21 Other Work Other work {Media Fusion}. MetaSEEk. Ixquick. Dogpile.
Visual Search Engine [for images], Makes use of query by example. Ixquick. MP3,Images,News.[all come from different search interfaces –may not exactly be fusion]. Dogpile. Multimedia,Images,News,Files.


23 Overview Some Meta Search Engines On the web,
Why are they not so popular ?, Some Reviews.

24 Meta search Engines on the Web
MetaCrawler, Ixquick, Inquirus, SavySearch {now cnet search ?}, Dogpile, Sherlockhound, Vivisimo.

25 Why Are They Not So Popular ?
Ads ! Some Meta Search engines pick up ads as part of search results from the participating search engines. Example: Dogpile. Similar reasons as general search engines (ads clutter search results). Example: MetaCrawler,Ixquick. Paid Placement Search Engines included, Relation with the search engines they depend on. {load,interaction}….

26 Why Are They Not So Popular ?
Results as good as the worst search engine in the group. Combining results using meta-index and rankings can lead to incorrectly ranked results from a search engine reducing the relevance of correct results. If your highly ranked search engine returns a badly ranked result, then your results are also badly ranked.

27 Some Reviews Search Engine Watch [May 2001] Meta Search Engine
% Results From A Major Search Engine Vivisimo 100 % [No Ads] Ixquick 70 % MetaCrawler 48 % Dogpile 14%

28 Overview Conclusions and Future

29 Conclusions and Future
Vivisimo reported 43 % increase in traffic –[ Aug. 14, 2001], Apple ‘Sherlock’ has been popular, Multiple Media Search, P2P Searches ?, Growth or Niche Search Engines.

30 References The MetaCrawler Architecture for Resource Aggregation on the web(1997) – Erik Selberg & Oren Etzioni. Context and Page Analysis for Improved Web Search(1998) –Steve Lawrence & C. Lee Giles. Experiences with Selecting Search Engines Using Metasearch(1997) – Daniel Dreilinger & Adele E. Howe.

31 Time to Wake Up…


33 Web References Search Engine Watch Article [Meta Search Or Meta Ads?],
Wired Article [Searching For Google’s Successor], MetaSEEk [Writeup], Text and Image Meta Search on the Web [Citeseer Paper Reference].

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