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The Quarks Inside Baryons

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Presentation on theme: "The Quarks Inside Baryons"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Quarks Inside Baryons
“3 quarks for Mr Mark” James Joyce - Finegan’s Wake

2 Quark properties If protons and neutrons are made of quarks what properties must they have? They must conserve baryon number. They must conserve spin. They must conserve charge.

3 Deep inelastic scattering
In search of the deep structure of the proton

4 Positively charged proton If an electron is fired at a proton at moderate speed, the electron behaves as expected. It has a negative charge and it is deviated from its path when it comes near the positive charge of the proton.




8 quark electrical charge baryon number u d -⅓ -⅔

9 proton neutron u u d u d d

10 NEUTRON u d d ⅓+ ⅓+ ⅓ baryon no =1 ⅔+(-⅓)+(-⅓) charge =0

11 u u d ⅓+ ⅓+ ⅓ baryon no =1 ⅔+(⅔)+(-⅓) charge =1

12 particles uuu uud udd ddd

13 quark structure baryon number charge spin uuu 1 uud udd ddd particles
+2 3/2 3/2 +1 3/2 -1 3/2

14 involved in strong interaction
HADRONS involved in strong interaction Baryons Mesons q q q

15 Mesons quark antiquark pairs

16 Strange Baryons Live much longer than 10-23seconds
Generally around 10-10seconds Λ0 Σ+ Σ- Σ0 Ξ0 Ξ-

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