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ENERGY Atmosphere part 2

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2 ENERGY Atmosphere part 2

3 Do Now Draw a lava lamp and describe what is happening and how it happens.

Explain how radiant energy reaches the earth. Describe how visible light and infrared energy warm the earth. Summarize the process of radiation, conduction, and convection.

5 DO NOW: Put answer in your notebook
DESCRIBE HOW the sun heats the EARTH…

6 Discuss Ideas for Movement
Examine the video…. Please explain as completely and scientifically possible – what is happening in the lamp and how it works. Use a diagram to explain. Volunteer to draw on the board….


8 Energy in the atmosphere
Radiation – energy transfer across space. Stand by a fire feel the (radiation) heat. Conduction – flow of heat from a warm object to a cold one by physical contact. Stick your cold hand in the fire, feel the (conduction) heat. Convection – transfer of heat by currents. Red hot magma lamp. Electromagnetic Spectrum – all of the frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Albedo – the fraction of solar radiation that is reflected off of the surface of an object.

9 The Earth Gets heat from solar energy by electromagnetic radiation, infrared, visible and UV light. Earth only gets 2 billionths of the suns energy. Earth absorbs only some of the energy… the rest is absorbed or reflected (by dust, clouds and surface). REMEMBER ALBEDO? What would happen if the earth continually absorbed the energy? Sun Video

10 E/M or Electromagnetic Spectrum Video
Radiation includes all forms of energy that travel through space between the Earth and sun. Visible light we can see – other forms of radiation humans CANNOT see : microwaves, UV and infrared light, X rays, gamma rays & radio waves. Travels at 300,000 m/s

11 Tomorrow we will do a lab on the EM Spectrum

12 pHet lab The distance from any point on a wave to the identical point on another wave is the WAVELENGTH. Review:

13 Diagram of a Wave Wavelength Amplitude Crest Trough Oscillation Crest

14 Wave review worksheet

OBJECTIVES: Review the earth – sun relationship Identify important lines on latitude and longitude Aphelion and Perihelion explination

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