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Headcount Information Sessions

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1 Headcount Information Sessions
18th September 2018

2 Logging in The best way to log in to the provider portal is through the Walsall FIS website. Links are on the ‘Updating Your Information’ page, and the ‘Free Early Years Entitlement’ page.

3 Logging in If you have any problems with logging in, please contact Charley ( ) or Ross ( ), option 5.

4 Home page The first page you will see after logging in is the home page. You will see information about the headcount (dates, number of weeks etc.)

5 Funding In order to claim funding, you first need to click ‘Funding’ from the main menu. It is also important at this stage to check that the correct provider is selected from the drop-down menu. Some registrations have multiple types of provision.

6 Funding - Actuals Click ‘Actuals’ and you will see a list of terms. The current term will always be at the top. Choose the term that you wish to enter a claim for by clicking ‘Select’. There is a separate term for each funding type – 2 year old funding and 3 & 4 year old funding.

7 Adding Children When you have selected the term, you can begin adding children. There will not be any children carried over from the summer term. To start adding children, click ‘Add Child’.

8 2 Year Olds For 2 year olds, you only need to complete the Child Details and Funding Details tabs. You must complete all the fields with an asterisk (*).

9 2 year olds – Funding Details
Click the ‘Default Term Dates’ button. ‘Weeks attended’ is 14 this term. Enter the number of funded hours in the ‘Universal Hours’ box. Add any non-funded hours, or enter zero in this box. Click ‘Save’.

10 3 & 4 Year Olds If 3 & 4 year olds are only claiming the universal entitlement, you only need to complete the Child Details and Funding Details tabs. Again, complete all mandatory fields, or you will get an error when you try to save the record. If 3 & 4 year olds are not taking up the extended entitlement, enter zero in the ‘Extended Hours’ box.

11 30 Hours Childcare First you need to check that children are eligible for the extended entitlement. Select ‘Eligibility Checker’ from the menu. Click on the blue button. Complete fields with asterisk and click ‘Submit’.

12 30 Hours Childcare You will get a message indicating whether the child is eligible for the extended entitlement. When you have checked the eligibility of a child, you still need to add them to your headcount in order to claim funding. For children claiming the full 30 hours, you will need to complete all 3 tabs – Child Details, Parent / Carer Details, and Funding Details. Complete the Child Details tab as normal.

13 30 Hours Childcare – Parent / Carer Details
Parent / Carer tab. You must enter the forename, surname and NI number for at least one parent. Make sure you tick the box to indicate if it is a NI or NASS number. You must also tick to confirm that the parents have given their consent (the 30H tick box).

14 30 Hours Childcare – Funding Details
Complete all mandatory fields as before. Enter the 30H eligibility code. Click the blue ‘30 Hours Free Childcare’ button. You will get a tick or a cross indicating if the child is eligible. Enter the number of Extended hours per week and click ‘Save’.

15 Sending Data When you have saved all of your funded children for the term, click on ‘Send claim’. When you have submitted successfully, you will get a green tick.

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