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Development & Evaluation of Network Test-beds

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1 Development & Evaluation of Network Test-beds
-Vinod Kumar Rajasekaran 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

2 Overview of today’s presentation
Introduction to Network Simulation Its significance in the research community Design issues Problems Related projects My work 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

3 Research in Networking
“Internet” drives today’s world Research in Networking – Top priority Current needs Vs Future Internet Methods for Evaluating new network components Direct testing Network test-beds 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

4 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Live Testing Real code in real environment. Accurate measurement and experimentation Problems: Difficult to conduct test Scenarios not reproducible Possible only at the tail end of development 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

5 Significance of Simulation
Requires a “thorough” understanding of existing technologies. Provides infrastructure for developing new designs Provides an opportunity to predict results on a “future Internet”. Provides a reproducible scenarios Contd… 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

6 Significance of Simulation
Opportunity to explore the range of protocol designs Cheap and easy to use 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

7 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Design goals Research specific model Scalability Usability (Visualization tools) Emulation Models for the Future 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

8 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Design issues Abstraction in simulation What to abstract? The Need! Parallelism Vs abstraction Issues Critical parameters Graph Contd… 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

9 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Design issues Simulation Scenario Testing designs individually as well interactively - Imperative -The input configuration Network Topology Traffic Model Test Generation Network Dynamics 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

10 Difficulties in test-bed creation
Size of the Internet Heterogeneity Topology changes Protocol differences Traffic generation Trace driven simulation Traffic shaping Congestion levels Scaling Growth rate of Internet graph 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

11 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Related Projects VINT Model Net Net bed NIST …. 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

12 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Model Net Done by ISSG, Dept of CS, Duke University Large-scale network emulator Cluster-based emulation environment Contd… 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

13 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Model Net Phases Create GML graph Distillation GML Pipe Assignment Load balancing among cores Bind Load balancing VNs Run Contd… 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

14 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
Model Net Packet scheduling Emulation accuracy Routing 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

15 Internet Research Group at Clemson University
My work Long term (Thesis ideas) Use of virtual Linux Servers for networking research Evaluation of virtual Linux Servers for education Immediate work Understanding of related topics Working with vmware 12/5/2018 Internet Research Group at Clemson University

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