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School of Physics and Astronomy University of Birmingham

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1 School of Physics and Astronomy University of Birmingham
Quarks Matter ! Public Lecture School of Physics and Astronomy University of Birmingham Tuesday 22nd July 2014, 6.15 – 7.15pm, Poynting Physics Large lecture Theatre Prof Nickolas Solomey, Wichita State University, author of the book "The Elusive Neutrino" and spokesman of the Fermilab MIPP experiment. The excitement of the last year was the observation of the Higgs particle, but long before this was the prediction of the quarks. This lecture will explore how the idea of quarks came about, what is the difference between matter and anti-matter, and why a lot of time and expense is put into studying the properties of quarks.  Shortly after the quark composition of matter was speculated, one very perplexing set of particles (or one neutral particle) behaved differently in its matter form than when in its anti-matter form. Could this mechanism be the clue to why the universe is made of matter and not anti-matter? 2014 is the 50th anniversary of this surprising discovery, and many physicists, are still working to solve the matter riddle of the universe. Prof Solomey is a long time researcher at both CERN and Fermilab. As a post-doc on the Fermilab KTeV experiment studying CP violation, he introduced the Cascade Hyperon beta decay program where he was able to make observations leading to a major pivotal point in quark flavor physics. Today he works on the Fermilab NOvA experiment in the pursuit of studying CP violation with neutrinos. Up to date directions and maps of the University can be found on the University web site

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