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Monday, March 2, 2015 SCIENCE TIME 8:10 – 8:40.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, March 2, 2015 SCIENCE TIME 8:10 – 8:40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, March 2, 2015 SCIENCE TIME 8:10 – 8:40

2 Answer Key

3 Math Time! 8:40 – 9:20

4 Workbook pages

5 Workbook pages

6 Restroom Break 9:20 – 9:30

7 Workbook pages

8 Workbook pages

9 Homework wkbk pages 744 & 750

10 MOVE TO LEARN 10:25 – 10:30

11 Language Arts Review! 10:30 – 12:00

12 PBA Practice

13 PBA Practice

14 Today Complete PCR! Students compose their PCR
Multiple Choice Practice

15 Well we know the point of view of each and we can determine the language. When it talks about statistics it mean numbers. YOU MAY WANT TO PULL UP THIS FROM THE ACUTAL ONLINE TEST – and show kids how to drag and drop their answers! That would be great!

16 Let’s use the article we read today to help us answer a question like what we may see on the PARCC test: A- this isn’’t the answer because this article didn’t deal with any other oil spill. B-it did talk about this but the whole article was not about how they swim. C-this seems like it was definitely the main idea. D-this isn’t the focus. E-I’m sure they are, but it isn’t the focus. F-It definitely talked a lot about the workers. So, I think C and F are the main ideas. I need to confirm my thinking with part B.

17 Let’s use the article we read today to help us answer a question like what we may see on the PARCC test: A- this isn’’t the answer because this article didn’t deal with any other oil spill. B-it did talk about this but the whole article was not about how they swim. C-this seems like it was definitely the main idea. D-this isn’t the focus. E-I’m sure they are, but it isn’t the focus. F-It definitely talked a lot about the workers. So, I think C and F are the main ideas. I need to confirm my thinking with part B.

18 C and F is what I believe are the main ideas
C and F is what I believe are the main ideas. Let’s see which two would confirm that. A is not about the main ideas and neither is B or C. D would support my thinking as would F when it talks about the people’s mission to save the penguins. I am choosing D and F for this section.

19 C and F is what I believe are the main ideas
C and F is what I believe are the main ideas. Let’s see which two would confirm that. A is not about the main ideas and neither is B or C. D would support my thinking as would F when it talks about the people’s mission to save the penguins. I am choosing D and F for this section.

20 Paragraph 3. Source 2-point of view What is the the point of view
Paragraph 3. Source 2-point of view What is the the point of view? How does that affect us readers? What is the author’s perspective on the penguin rescue mission? How is it different than source 1? *this becomes paragraph 3 Have kids talk this out and jot down their thinking. Remind them to start the paragraph off with naming the source-see our previous source answer.

21 Paragraph 3 begins - Possible Answer
Always think about the prompt: Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. Paragraph 3 begins - Possible Answer The article by Tarshis was written in second person. Because it was written in second person, the reader was put into the story and asked to live the experience as a penguin. This article was more descriptive than the first one even though it didn’t use photographs. It helped the reader feel what it was like to be a penguin experiencing the oil spill. In the first article the author stated she was overwhelmed, but in this article the author shows how the penguin feels. (pull out a quote and explain it here) Again, theirs may be a bit different, but it should still support the answer of the author’s point of view.

22 Look at notes to see where to find quote about how the penguin feels!
Let’s pull out something that helps support the point of view putting us in the story and feeling what the penguins felt.

23 Your turn: pull a quote from text #2 and explain why it works! –
Remember you must explain how the quote supports the prompt! This is where I want to put my thinking to organize my thoughts. See your example.-REMEMBER THEY HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY THAT IS A GREAT QUOTE. Remember the kids put their example on their page!

24 Did your choice match mine
Did your choice match mine? We can add our quote and our explanation to wrap up this paragraph. “You are shivering because the oil has caused your layers of feathers to separate. Freezing water now lashes at your sensitive skin. Your eyes hurt because the oil has burned them.” My Explanation This section helps us to experience what the penguin is going through. The author uses second person and description to help us be in the moment. Don’t forget a sentence pulled right out of the text has to go in quotations. Our explanation rounds out the quote.

25 Put it together for paragraph 3
Always think about the prompt: Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. Put it together for paragraph 3 The article by Tarshis was written in second person. Because it was written in second person, the reader was put into the story and asked to live the experience as a penguin. This article was more descriptive than the first one even though it didn’t use photographs. It helped the reader feel what it was like to be a penguin experiencing the oil spill. In the first article the author stated she was overwhelmed, but in this article the author shows how the penguin feels. “You are shivering because the oil has caused your layers of feathers to separate. Freezing water now lashes at your sensitive skin. Your eyes hurt because the oil has burned them.” This section helps us to experience what the penguin is going through. The author uses second person and description to help us be in the moment. Now, I need to explain why this quote supports the answer. You model and look at your example. Kids should have their answers written as well.

26 Paragraph 4. Source 3-point of view What is the the point of view
Paragraph 4. Source 3-point of view What is the the point of view? How does that affect us readers? What is the author’s perspective on the penguin rescue mission? How is it different than source 1 and source 2? *this becomes paragraph 4 Have kids consult their notes and talk this out then jot down their thinking. Remind them to start the paragraph off with naming the source-see our previous source answer. Give them time to do this on their own. You will talk through it after you come back together but give them time to model what you did for 1 and what they tried to do with source 2.

27 Paragraph 4 begins - Possible Answer
Always think about the prompt: Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. Paragraph 4 begins - Possible Answer The video was also first person. The narrator was explaining the affects of an oil spill on Nightingale Island. The video helped us see the damage to all the animals and it told about how they pinned in the penguins to prevent them from getting back in the oil. (add something from video for evidence) Kids want to make sure they have something

28 Look at notes to see where to find something to support our answer – VIDEO will not be a quote, just something to answer the prompt!

29 Your turn: pull information from the video and explain why it works! –
Remember you must explain how what your chose to include supports the prompt!

30 Does your choice match mine? Pulled from the video and explained.
Quote/Information (video) The narrator was upset with what he saw and he stated he felt for all the animals and it was difficult to witness and he hoped he didn’t have to see it again. **You aren’t quoting, just pulling out something that helps answer the question. Explanation This that he was very upset with what he saw and how it affected the animals.

31 Put it together for paragraph 4
Always think about the prompt: Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. Put it together for paragraph 4 The video was also first person. The narrator was explaining the affects of an oil spill on Nightingale Island. The video helped us see the damage to all the animals and it told about how they pinned in the penguins to prevent them from getting back in the oil. The narrator was upset with what he saw and he stated he felt for all the animals and it was difficult to witness and he hoped he didn’t have to see it again. This that he was very upset with what he saw and how it affected the animals. Now, I need to explain why this quote supports the answer. You model and look at your example.

32 You need a conclusion Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. You have given evidence for all of your sources. What was something all of the articles had in common? That can be what you use as your conclusion! Let’s put all our notes together! The first part should have been put on an anchor chart, they have the second and third part. They can put it all together and keep it as a model to refer back to. I would also have a giant one completed on an anchor chart.

33 Let’s think…. The man in the video said what he saw was upsetting.
Was there anything in the articles that also talked about the people being upset? That is something all the articles had in common. How can you use that to wrap up your essay?

34 Paragraph 5 - Sample Answer
Always think about the prompt: Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. Paragraph 5 - Sample Answer Even though the articles and the video was about different oil spills, they all were about the effects of the oil on the penguins. The penguins were terrified. The people that helped were upset with what happened to the penguins, but they were dedicated to helping them.

35 Time to put it all together!
Write NEAT! Let’s put together all three parts. You are going to write both parts of the question into one well written answer using neat handwriting, correct capitalization, punctuation and spelling. *IF it is spelled correctly in the article, you have no excuse for misspelling it in your paper! Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. You can use the rubric and take a grade.

36 Always think about the prompt: Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each source’s point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all THREE sources. Sample answer All three sources explained rescue efforts for penguins after an oil spill. They described they effects on the penguins as well as the people that helped rescue them. The article by deNapoli was written in first person. The author was asked to help train the rescue mission volunteers. This article helped the reader see what the rescue mission was like through her eyes. It described what it was like to go into the warehouse and hear how silent the penguins were and how hard it was to bathe all 20,000 birds. The pictures helped the reader to see what she was writing about. This article helped the reader understand how overwhelming the mission was. “I felt overwhelmed. My heart ached for the distressed birds. Cleaning them all seemed like an impossible task. But we had to carry on like doctors in an emergency room. There was no time for doubt.” This section helps us know how the author felt about the rescue. She was overwhelmed but determined to get the job done. This shows how important this work is to her. The article by Tarshis was written in second person. Because it was written in second person, the reader was put into the story and asked to live the experience as a penguin. This article was more descriptive than the first one even though it didn’t use photographs. It helped the reader feel what it was like to be a penguin experiencing the oil spill. In the first article the author stated she was overwhelmed, but in this article the author shows how the penguin feels. “You are shivering because the oil has caused your layers of feathers to separate. Freezing water now lashes at your sensitive skin. Your eyes hurt because the oil has burned them.” This section helps us to experience what the penguin is going through. The author uses second person and description to help us be in the moment. The video was also first person. The narrator was explaining the affects of an oil spill on Nightingale Island. The video helped us see the damage to all the animals and it told about how they pinned in the penguins to prevent them from getting back in the oil. The narrator was upset with what he saw and he stated he felt for all the animals and it was difficult to witness and he hoped he didn’t have to see it again. This that he was very upset with what he saw and how it affected the animals. Even though the articles and the video was about different oil spills, they all were about the effects of the oil on the penguins. The penguins were terrified. The people that helped were upset with what happened to the penguins, but they were dedicated to helping them. Sample answer to sum up PCR blue is article name, red is from the video and purple is the explanation

37 Out of Classroom! 12:00 – 12:45 Activity 12:45 – 1:15 Lunch
1:15 – 1:45 Recess

38 Language Arts/ Reading
1:45 – 2:15

39 Discuss Chapter 6 Homework – Chapter 7 & 8

40 Independent Reading 1:00 - 2:15

41 PARCC computer practice
2:15 – 3:00

42 Independent Reading 3:00 – 3:20

43 3:15 – 3:20 Wrap Up! Pack-Up Office will announce:
Car Riders – Leave around 3:20 Bus Riders – Teacher walks out about 3:22 (listen to intercom-dismisses by grade)

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