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Lesson 2: The benefits of being involved

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2: The benefits of being involved"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2: The benefits of being involved
Principle 1: Kindness Element E: Students join in organised acts of kindness

2 What do we mean by ‘being involved’?
Working with others for a shared goal. Not just letting things happen – be part of it! Being proactive and help make decisions. Being involved with people you wouldn’t normally talk to / spend time with, or who are ‘different’ from you. Being a volunteer to help others. What do we mean by ‘being involved’?

3 Where do you rate yourself currently on the ‘being involved’ meter?
I never participate with anyone else and always prefer to be on my own. 3 4 I fully get involved with all types of people and activities. 2 5 1

4 Where would you like to be? How can you achieve it?
I never participate with anyone else and always prefer to be on my own. 3 4 I fully get involved with all types of people and activities. 2 5 1

5 How could being involved benefit me?
When you get a job in the future, you will usually work in teams with people from different backgrounds and experiences. Research has shown employees tend to be more productive when they see themselves as members of a team rather than as individuals working in isolation. You save time as you complete tasks faster. It’s fun to be involved with others – they can open your eyes up to things you didn’t consider before.

6 So why do you think it is good to meet new people?
In addition to all the skills and personal growth a person can receive from being involved, it is also very important to realise you will meet a lot of different people. When you meet a diverse group of people, you can gain so much! So why do you think it is good to meet new people?

7 What other ideas can you think of?
‘Being involved’ means lots of different things… What other ideas can you think of?

8 But what about when people aren’t included or involved?

9 How do you think people feel when they’re left out?
I feel really lonely and unimportant. No one cares about my feelings. I wish I could be involved and have fun too. Discuss: How could we involve others more, even if they seem different from us?

10 How we can involve others How I could get more involved myself
Ask their opinion on something and show you’re listening to them Volunteer to take on a responsibility

11 What organisations and groups can people get involved with?
Scouts Sports clubs Specialist interest groups Book / film groups Arts and crafts clubs Music groups Amateur dramatics Any others you can think of? Are you involved with any clubs? What do people gain from being part of a group?

12 Benefits of being involved online
We hear a lot about how being online takes up a lot of young people’s time. Also, we hear about how social media can have a bad influence and be harmful to young people. BUT… Are there benefits to using social media as a way of ‘being involved’? Can you think of any examples?

13 Benefits of being involved online
Raise awareness about important issues Improves communication and transparency You can connect with people all over the world! It can help people feel less isolated – you can seek advice People can feel like they are valued and part of a group – making a difference

14 So what have we learnt? Being involved is good for your wellbeing.
Other people will benefit from your involvement. You can feel you are doing something worthwhile and making a difference. We can learn from others. It can help raise self-esteem. So what have we learnt?

15 Can you get involved?! Why not try and ‘get involved’ this week?!
Join a new club. Spend time with people you don’t usually spend much time with. Volunteer to do something beneficial. Organise an activity for a group of people. Why not try and ‘get involved’ this week?! This could be through a number of ways…

16 1. We will look for opportunities to get involved in school, with friends / family, outside organisations. 2. We will try not to make judgements and listen carefully to others. 3. We will support others who want to get involved in something we are doing. Our class agreement

17 Commissioned by The PiXL Club Ltd.
Commissioned by The PiXL Club Ltd. © Copyright The PiXL Club Limited, Janurary 2018   This resource is strictly for the use of member schools for as long as they remain members of The PiXL Club. It may not be copied, sold, or transferred to a third party or used by the school after membership ceases. Until such time it may be freely used within the member school. All opinions and contributions are those of the authors. The contents of this resource are not connected with, or endorsed by, any other company, organisation or institution. PiXL Club Ltd endeavour to trace and contact copyright owners. If there are any inadvertent omissions or errors in the acknowledgements or usage, this is unintended and PiXL will remedy these on written notification.

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