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Sec 2 year in review.

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1 Sec 2 year in review

2 Periodic Table How many protons does magnesium have? ________
Draw Dalton models of CH4 and H2O

3 Calculate the density of a substance that has a mass of 48 g and a volume of 17 mL.

4 Chemical Change 5 ways to recognize a chemical change:

5 Physical Changes 3 ways to recognize a chemical change:

6 Phase changes

7 Earth and Space



10 Rocks and Minerals Remember that a mineral is a pure substance.
A rock is a mixture of these substances.

11 Name some mineral tests

12 What about the atmosphere?

13 Universal Law of Gravitation
All objects with mass are mutually attracted to one another. The extent of the attraction depends on the masses and the distance that separates the object.

14 Space Definitions to know
Star Galaxy Meteor Planet Comet Moon Asteroid

15 8 planets: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

16 Energy Transformations
A battery’s energy powers a flashlight. A stove heats up.

17 Name some Simple Machines

18 Energy Sources (Renewable and non-renewable)
If a resource is renewable, it means we won’t run out of whatever is producing the energy. Examples include hydroelectric energy, solar energy, and wind energy. If a resource is non-renewable, it means we WILL run out of whatever is producing the energy. Examples include fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and nuclear energy.

19 Types of Motion (and guides)
Translational Rotational Helical

20 5 forces Compression Tension Torsion Deflection Shearing

21 Animal and Plant Cells

22 5 characteristics of living things
Must be able to grow and develop. Must be able to adapt to environments (physical and behavioural adaptations) Must be able to reproduce. Must be able to acquire nutrients. Must have cells, or be a cell.

23 Physical and Behavioural Adaptations
Most bears are omnivores because they eat both meat and plants. Their sharp teeth help them tear through the flesh of their prey (physical). At the same time, they eat a mixed diet which gives them a wide variety of nutrients (behaviourhal).

24 Osmosis and Diffusion Osmosis is the movement of water across a semi- permeable membrane, which is done to equalize concentrations. Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to low concentration

25 Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis

26 Reproduction Asexual Reproduction produces identical offspring
Sexual reproduction produces non-identical offspring. The male gamete is the sperm, the female gamete is the ovum.


28 Horse + Donkey?

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