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On-line Membership Report

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1 On-line Membership Report
By Lion Dan Uitti, PDG assisted by Lion Cindy Cooper Windsor Locks Lions Club Secretary Fellow Lions. I promise to be brief. But in these next few minutes, you can be a part of saving your club and our association thousands of dollars as we begin to build a new electronic future. Can you imagine the how large the 44,000 Membership reports that arrive at LCI headquarters each month? From what I have heard, this stack is over 6 feet high. Obviously, this information has to be carefully entered on the computers at headquarters manually, and correctly. New member can receive their Lion Magazine, so an incorrect entry at that point can mean that your new member does not get the magazine as expected. Electronic can be more accurate also. Please help us all by starting to use this new innovation. This seminar appears on-line at

2 LCI Website -
The report is accessed on the internet through the Lions International web page. Just go to You may have to scroll down a little, but click on the menu item that says: Member and Officer Reports/Directory Information. Please take the time to review other parts of the LCI web site, as there is a wealth of information that we WILL NOT cover here.

3 Membership Report Entry
Your first step is to establish an password protected account with LCI. You will probably have to wait until a regular business day to receive your account, so please plan ahead. This is the page where you begin each month. You might use a BOOKMARK or Favorite Place to make it easy to get to this point.

4 Attain Password To obtain a password, the president or secretary must contact international headquarters via at I recommend that you provide your full name, complete mailing address, club name and club ID number. Providing all of this information may help the processing go faster. Keep in mind that we are a world wide organization in countries. You will receive the password by , so PLEASE, print it out, save it, and remember it. While you can get a new password at any time, it will delay the work that you want to do in the future.

5 Attaining Help Review the HELP section by clicking on the button that says NEW FORM INSTRUCTIONS. In the future, the LCI On-line Membership Report may change. This should contain the latest instructions on its use.

6 Password Entry When you are ready to file your Membership report, use your club ID and the password that you received from LCI. In this example, we are filing an actual Membership Report for MAY 2001 for the Windsor Locks Lions Club in Connecticut. As you can see, the Password is shown with the Asterisk character. Click on the OK button.

7 Review Last Membership Report
If you have filed electronically before, you can look up the information that you will need to file this month’s report. Just click on the menu item that says Print Member Reports

8 Print Last Month Select last month’s report, which should appear at the top of the list.

9 Print Preview The report appears on your screen very much like it would print. You can scroll to see any part of the report. So printing the report is optional.

10 Select Print Your printer dialog box appears when you use the Print function. This differs on every computer setup. I am certain that you have done this with many other documents on your computer.

11 Lookup Club Information
You may just want to jot down the figures that you see, or print the entire report. You are looking for the figures for the close of the month, so you can enter them as the starting figures.

12 Enter New Membership Report
You can use the BACK button to return to the report entry screen. Click on the button that is marked: Enter Membership Report

13 Membership Entry Forms
Proceed with confidence when you see the simple “Fill in the Blank” form.

14 Enter Member Category Secton
The Members Category section pretty much repeats the figures that you ended up with last month. Just enter these starting figures.

15 Enter Dropped Member Section
Scroll down to the Dropped Member Section, simply enter the codes that are appropriate.

16 Enter Total Section Then scroll down to the Membership Total Section. This is where the NEW member totals are added. If you are adding 2 members, you will also be able to enter the new member information. I’ll show you that in a few minutes.

17 Enter Club Information Section
Fill in the Club Information Section at the bottom of the page and click on the SUBMIT button.

18 Add New Members Now you will have to ADD the new members (if any). There are separate buttons for Transfer, Reinstated members, Change of Address and Drop member section. This really is quite simple, so I will only show you the ADD Member section. Simply click on the Menu item that says Add A New Member

19 Add Member Information
This information should have been provided to you on the familiar GREEN New Member form. Simply fill in the blanks.

20 Enter Name with “/“ Rather then having separate First Name and Last Name fields, you must use this method to record the member’s name. In this case, Cheryl B. Blair is entered as Cheryl B/Blair The sponsor’s name is entered with the first initial and last name. John Kokofski is entered as J and Kokofski in separate fields. Enter the Member number for the Sponsor. This will ensure that the records are accurate when the Sponsor qualifies for a future Membership Key award.

21 Submit New Member Information
After double checking your work, click on the button marked “SUBIT”.

22 Add New Member - OK When the information is entered completely, you will get a confirmation page that indicates that it was entered completely and correctly. When there is an error detected, an error page will be displayed to show you where corrections can be made. Follow these instructions carefully. When you are done, click on the words that say: “Return to Report”

23 Close Report After all New Members, Transfer Members, Reinstated Members and Dropped members have been entered, click on the button says “CLOSE REPORT”

24 Membership Report Completed
You will receive a confirmation page when the report and member additions/drops coincide properly. Otherwise, you may have to return to the report to make additional changes or corrections. Click on the button marked “Home Page” to return to the beginning of the Report section.

25 Select New Report to Print
You should then Print the new report. You will be able to double check the report, as well as provide your club’s Board of Directors with this copy.

26 Print New Membership Report
The report appears just as it would, if you used the traditional multi-part carbon form. It might be necessary to send, or FAX this report to officers in your District. Be sure to know what capabilities that your Zone Chairman, Region Chairman and District Governor have. In the future, all of these leaders will have direct access to your report, which will eliminate any delay. Thank you very much for your attention.

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