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Joe Trefilek Jeff Kubascik Paul Scheffler Matt Rockey

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1 Joe Trefilek Jeff Kubascik Paul Scheffler Matt Rockey
Team RAPTORS Remote Avionics Packet Transceiver with Observational Real-Time Sensing Joe Trefilek Jeff Kubascik Paul Scheffler Matt Rockey Patent Liability Analysis Presented by Joe Trefilek

2 Existing Patents #7,014,141: “Unmanned airborne reconnaissance system”
Filed: July 12, 2002 1. An airborne reconnaissance system comprising: an unmanned aircraft system adapted to be disassembled; a launch system for said unmanned aircraft system, said launch system adapted to be disassembled; a remote control system for remote control of said unmanned aircraft system; said remote control system being detachable from said unmanned aircraft system and said launch system; a container for receiving said unmanned aircraft system and said launch system in their disassembled states; said container containing said unmanned aircraft system and said launch adapted to be carried as a backpack; and means for assembly and disassembly of said unmanned aircraft and said launch; wherein said reconnaissance system is transportable, field-deployable, and operational by one person. 8. An airborne reconnaissance system comprising: an airborne vehicle having a fuselage and wings adapted to be removed from the fuselage, the airborne vehicle including an onboard video camera and video signal transmitter and a flight control system to remotely control a flight of the airborne vehicle from a remote location; a launch system for launching the airborne vehicle into the air; and, a container to receive the airborne vehicle with the wings removed from the fuselage thereof, said container being backpackable. 12/5/2018 Team RAPTORS

3 Existing Patents #7,289,906: “Navigation system applications of sigma-point Kalman filters for nonlinear estimation and sensor fusion” Filed: April 4, 2005 1. A method performed in an integrated navigation system to estimate the navigational state of an object, the navigational state characterized by random variables of a kinematics-based system state space model, the system state space model specifying a time evolution of the system and its relationship to sensor observations, comprising: acquiring observation data produced by measurement sensors that provide noisy information about the navigational state, the measurement sensors including an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a global positioning system (GPS) operating to provide information for estimating a set of navigational state components that include position, velocity, attitude, and angular velocity; and providing a probabilistic inference system to combine the observation data with prediction values of the system state space model to estimate the navigational state, the probabilistic inference system implemented to include a realization of a Gaussian approximate random variable propagation technique performing deterministic sampling without analytic derivative calculations. 11. The method of claim 1, in which the position and velocity information provided by the GPS is integrated with the IMU, thereby to form a loosely coupled integrated navigation system. 12/5/2018 Team RAPTORS

4 Existing Patents Application 2007/ : “Low-cost flight training and synthetic visualization system and method” 1. A flight training and synthetic visualization system comprising: a. a self-contained mobile data recording unit, comprising: i. an inertial measurement means to continuously sense three-dimensional orientation of said mobile data recording unit in terms of yaw, pitch, and roll; ii. a position detector means for generating signals representative of the three-dimensional position in space of said mobile data recording unit; iii. a magnetic field sensing means to provide continuous magnetic heading information for said mobile data recording unit; iv. an environmental sensing means for determining various ambient environmental conditions; v. a processor means to gather navigational information captured by the components of said mobile data recording unit; vi. a storage device for storing said navigation information for future download; vii. an embedded software means to manage and preserve power of said mobile data recording unit by selectively disabling said components of said mobile data recording unit; viii. a user input means to allow an operator to control the settings and activities of said mobile data recording unit; ix. a user feedback means to provide status information on said mobile data recording unit to said operator; x. an internal, rechargeable power source; xi. a charging means for said rechargeable power source; xii. a means for transferring said navigational information to a secondary computer system; and xiii. a protective enclosure; b. A graphics software engine executing on said secondary computer system for creating a display of said navigational information; c. A data transfer means for transferring said navigational information, calibration data, and status information between said mobile data recording unit and said software engine; and d. A centralized data storage and retrieval system designed to accept and assimilate said navigational information from said software engine, and to provide additional data and graphics for enhancing said display of said navigational information. 5. The flight training and synthetic visualization system of claim 1, wherein said data transfer means is a wireless radio connection. 12/5/2018 Team RAPTORS

5 Similarities and Differences
#7,014,141: “Unmanned airborne reconnaissance system” Similarities Aircraft designed to be disassembled Remote control system designed to be detached from the aircraft Aircraft contains an onboard camera and transmitter system Differences Not utilizing a moveable camera Not utilizing an aircraft launch apparatus Not utilizing an aircraft storage system 12/5/2018 Team RAPTORS

6 Similarities and Differences
#7,289,906: “Navigation system applications of sigma-point Kalman filters for nonlinear estimation and sensor fusion” Similarities Use of a Kalman filter to determine navigational information of an object Observation acquired from an integrated sensor module and a GPS unit Determination of velocity, position, attitude, and angular velocity Differences Not many… 12/5/2018 Team RAPTORS

7 Similarities and Differences
Application 2007/ : “Low-cost flight training and synthetic visualization system and method” Similarities Sensors to measure position and environmental conditions User input and feedback via a secondary computer Data transfer utilizing a radio transmitter Differences Measurement only, no aircraft control Utilizes on-board data storage in addition to RF transmission Utilizes external rechargeable battery 12/5/2018 Team RAPTORS

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