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8 month old male presented with vomiting for 5 days

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1 8 month old male presented with vomiting for 5 days
Case discussion 8 month old male presented with vomiting for 5 days Intern: 林伯昱

2 Identifying Information
陳O睿, 8-month-8-day-old male Birth history: G1P1, term, AGA, C.S (mother spinal cord injury) Growth and development: BH: 73cm(75%~85%), 8.3kg(25~50%) No developmental delay Past medical history: Convulsive episode at 1 week old, no diagnosis after survey Falling from bed two times in the past Seborrheic dermatitis History of carbuncle and furuncle NKDA Chart Number:

3 History of present illness (2 versions)
8 days prior to admission (5 days) Fall from bed: 80 cm high, head on floor Crying, no LOC, no seizure, no limb weakness 6 days prior to admission (3 day) Decreased oral intake: congee + 150ml QID  120ml QID Vomiting every day after oral feeding, esp. morning feeding 2 days prior to admission (1 day) Vomiting persisted Fever up to 38 degree Celsius, wax and wane Dry cough, no diarrhea, no sputum production, no skin rash Grand mother had dry cough also

4 Family history Dry cough for weeks

5 Physical examination T:38.6oC, P:156/min, R:32/min, BP:111/64mmHg
General: fair spirit, loud crying, easily consoled HEENT: Fontanel not bulging, no scalp hematoma Pink conjunctiva, anicteric sclera, injected throat, no ulcer no pus Neck: freely movable, no palpable LAP Chest: clear breath sound, no crackle, no wheezing Heart: regular heart rhythm, grade II systolic murmur, esp. apex Abdomen: normoactive bowel sound, normal on palpation Limbs: warm, active peripheral pulses Skin: no petechiae, no ecchymosis, no rash

6 Neurologic examination
Light reflex: normal Extraocular movement: normal Gag reflex: normal Normal muscle tone, no limb weakness

7 Lab data on admission



10 Impression Fever Head injury
Dry cough, injected throat, contact history CBC no left shift, CRP: 16.7mg/L, U/A(-) Plan: throat swab viral test, supportive care Head injury Vomiting after eating every day, no scalp hematoma Discrepancy in history, previous head trauma Neurosonography: subdural, subarachnoid effusion Plan: Eye fundus, long bone X ray, brain MRI Consult social worker

11 Ophthalmoscope examination
No retinal hemorrhage (OU)

12 Long bone X ray

13 MRI, GRE 10 days post injury

14 Consult social worker Good family support, enough care takers.
No medical evidence of shaking baby syndrome Informed the family to reinforce child safety at home


16 CSF data Blood

17 Throat swab Stool Blood culture


19 5th day after admission Fever abruptly subsided
Maculopapular rash appeared on trunk Roseola infantum The patient was discharged after 24 hr fever free.

20 Discussion: Evaluation of suspected shaking baby syndrome

21 History Retrospective case series, 163 cases
0-3 y/o, presented with acute traumatic intracranial injury History Reference: Pediatrics Mar;111(3):602-7

22 History Reference: Pediatrics Mar;111(3):602-7

23 History Prospective case series, 87 head injury patient, < 2y/o
Reference: Pediatrics Jul;114(1):165-8

24 PE Retinal hemorrhage: deep, peripheral, multiple
Prospective case series, 104 cases 24 hours of admission to PICU, Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh PE Retinal hemorrhage: deep, peripheral, multiple Reference: Pediatrics Nov;130(5):e

25 PE: other Cutaneous bruising Rib fracture: esp. posterior
Long bone fracture: esp. metaphyseal Reference: CMAJ Jan 21;168(2):155-9

26 Lab CBC, coagulation profile
CSF: xanthochromia, RBC, myelin basic protein(?)

27 CT in acute condition Subarachnoid: equal Epidural: not likely
Systemic review, , <11 y/o patient, most < 3 y/o CT in acute condition Subarachnoid: equal Epidural: not likely Reference: Arch Dis Child Dec;96(12):

28 CT in acute condition Multiple SDH over the convexity, posterior fossa
Systemic review, , <11 y/o patient, most < 3 y/o CT in acute condition Multiple SDH over the convexity, posterior fossa Interhemispheric hemorrhage Hypoxic-ischaemic injury Cerebral edema Reference: Arch Dis Child Dec;96(12):

29 MRI For evaluation of actual damage amount

30 An additional case in brief

31 A patient with similar history
4 m/o, previously healthy HPI: Fall from bed when changing diaper Presented with vomiting, decrease oral intake On examination: No scalp hematoma Neurosonography: subdural and subarachnoid effusion




35 Diagnosis Shaking baby syndrome

36 Thanks for your listening

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