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Texas Regions Menu.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Regions Menu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Regions Menu

2 This menu has a variety of things for you to do this week related to the TEKS we are targeting.
TEKS: I will identify, locate, and compare the geographic regions of Texas (Mountains and Basins, Great Plains, North Central Plains, Coastal Plains), including their landforms, climate, and vegetation. I will apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps.

3 3 Things for Me to Do 1 Texas Regions Map/Flipbook 2
Texas Regions Puzzle 3 Texas Crack-Up Read about the 4 different Texas regions in your Social Studies textbook or here (be sure to use Chrome). Record characteristics from each region in your social studies journal Color the 4 different regions on your Texas map. Click here to see the directions it gives. Glue them down on a sheet of construction paper. Click to watch Introduction to Texas Crack-Up. Click here to see the directions. Click here to watch a video about Texas Regions. *Click here to see all of the learning standards addressed with this activity

4 3 facts I learned from researching & doing
1. 2. 3. Click here to add your learning to the Padlet.

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