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Revenue generation African Centers of Excellence

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1 Revenue generation African Centers of Excellence
Port Harcourt ACEs Workshop February 11-12, 2016 AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

Revenue Generation You know You have practice Still, it is a major challenge 2015 2018 2019 CEFOR $ 2M $ 0,2M CERHI $ 2,6M $ 1,8M $ 0,8M/5? AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

Workshop Program Time Activity 11 Morning Generation Revenue Fundamentals 11 Afternoon Environment and market Analysis 12 Morning Action Plan Organization and HR Business Plan 12 Afternoon Command and Control Tell your Story AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

4 Strategy Principles

5 A Strategy for openness and by openness AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE
What is at stake Funding, of course! Openness, mainly A Strategy for openness and by openness AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

Funding Obvious need to find other funding sources New funding sources = new attitudes What does the new funding source want Market awareness, Project and Ambition, Quality and Efficiency, Value for money How to find new funding sources Networking: Meet, Listen, Ask, Propose Marketing, communications, brand To be a valuable partner AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

7 Openness: a state of mind
Who are our « stakeholders »? What are the services we provide? How are these services perceived? Is it assessed? How do we consider our stakeholders Partners to build with, to learn from Buy&leave or long-term « customers » Quality of relationships and trust AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

8 Openness: a state of mind
Can we do more More  partnership New « services » More « customers » Can we do better Improve the win-win added value Think out of the box Test, try, innovate AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

9 Openness: far more than Funding
New stakeholders New ideas For our core business: Education, Research, Innovation For strategy, development, management, marketing,… New programs Support and expertise New ambassadors Openness : a tool for an ambitious transformation AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

10 A strategy for openness A strategy by openness
Identity, Objective, Organisation, Resources, Will, Operational roadmap, Command and control AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

11 A strategy for openness A strategy by openness
A controlled strategy To keep in line with who we are and who we want to be; Do we get the ROI we wanted A demanding strategy Commitment and Investment Profesionnalism Efficiency To build on TRUST AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

12 A strategy for openness A strategy by openness
A rewarding strategy Visible success, even small, easy to share and communicate Development of new projects, new programs through new funds Friendraising: Committed stakeholders, partners widen your university community AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

13 Revenues

Revenues From students - Tuition and fees - Continued education From companies - Consultancy/technical contract - Research contract - IP, patent, license, start-ups, … - Sponsorship AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

Revenues (2) Fundraising - Companies - Alumni and parents - Other individuals - Foundations, Trusts,… International Research and Education funding - international institutions - international academic partnership Other services (products, by-products, rent, goodies,…) AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

16 Generation Revenue Process

17 Revenue Generation Strategy An iterative process
A process Assessing the Opportunity Planning and Organization Business Plan Communication, Command, Control and Iteration Iterative First, to decide “Products” to develop in Priority Then, each “Product in depth Again and again to make it coherent The Role of Leadership Ethics and Accountability AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

18 Revenue Generation Strategy Assessing the Opportunity (1)
Value of Revenue generation in ACE Context Analysis of ACE environment and Market ACE identity and « products »; Current and potential Market Stakeholders, Partners, « Customers », Supporters Easiness to « sell » your « product » to your « customers » AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

19 Revenue Generation Strategy Assessing the Opportunity (2)
Analysis and decision on revenues, programs and « products to develop in priority - relevance and coherence with the ACE general strategy - Return On Investment - Implementation time AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

20 Revenue Generation Strategy Planning and Organization
Roadmap,  Tasks, Key tasks, Human Resources, Risks, Costs Schedule  Time, Time for ROI, Human Resources Costs Investment in Human Resources Organization and structure Organisational Structure and reporting lines Relationships with Other Offices and Departments People Key persons = Key recruitments Building the team AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

21 Revenue Generation Strategy Business Plan
Financial Costs Generation revenue team, Functionning (communication, events, travel,…) An INVESTMENT Business plan Costs, Revenues, ROI AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

Revenue Generation Strategy Communication, Command, Control Iteration (C3I) Case support and communication plan Command, control and iteration Key implementation points Key success factors; Difficulties and risks Intermediate objectives to achieve Plan ahead and be patient before money comes AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

23 Revenue Generation Strategy Don’t do it alone
Support for assessment Commissioning a Feasibility Study Lessons from Others (Success and Mistakes) - Committed stakeholders and partners vs consultants AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

Closing Thoughts Invest in the Future Think big, Start small Get the “right people on the bus” Tell your story Ask for Help AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

25 Revenue generation African Centers of Excellence
QUESTIONS ? Port Harcourt ACEs Workshop February 11-12, 2016 AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE


27 Environment and Market Analysis

28 Market Analysis Your Revenue Generation “Product”
Description Purpose and Advantages Quality Cost Visibility Image Easiness to sell Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

29 Market Analysis Your “Product” Customers
Inventory and typology Current In contact Potential By type, for this « product » Customer Expectations Customers Choice Criteria Why your ACE What are your access lines Easiness to sell Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

30 Market Analysis Your ACE and your “Product”
Your own interest in the product Value for the ACE Value for your ACE image Your capacity of « production » Quantity (Key limiting Factors) Quality (Improvement, weakness) Time Your image Objective Quantitative Objective Financial Objective Easiness to sell Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

31 Market Analysis Your “Product” Competitors
Inventory and typology Current Potential By type, for this « product » Your Competitive Strength Your Competitive Weaknesses Better ways than Competition (cooperation …) Easiness to sell Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

32 Market Analysis Your “Product” Environment
External Factors which could have an impact on your “sales” Positive negative Easiness to sell Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

33 Market Analysis Think Out of the Box
Product Customer Relationship Production « Sale » Other AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

34 Market Analysis Synthesis
ACE production capacity: production capacity Key limiting factors Added Value for ACE Image Customers Main Expectations Choice criteria Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

35 Market Analysis Synthesis (2)
Competitors ACE Competitive Strength ACE competitive Weakness Easiness to sell Key strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Risks OBJECTIVE (1st approach) Physical Objective Financial Objective With a timeframe Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE


ACTION PLAN TASK Key Acting Person Means Communication Commercialisation Identify 1 or 2 Key Tasks success relies on Tasks out of usual internal expertise AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

Derived mainly from Action plan/Key acting person analysis What New Use of existing competences What New competences needed Organization to ensure deliberate action Integrate to the ACE organization Supporting means Training Reporting lines Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

BUSINESS PLAN 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue generation investment expenses Additional investment expenses Revenue generation operating expenses Additional operating expenses Total Expenses Component 1 generated revenue (objective) Component 2 generated revenue (objective Total Revenues Balance Resources to cover initial expenses AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

40 Technical and Time Consuming AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE
PLANNING Technical and Time Consuming KEEP FOCUSED ON YOUR « PRODUCT » YOUR « CUSTOMERS » Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE


For each major revenue generation Project Key tasks to check What Who in charge Key indicators Financial Target Management and Reporting Lines Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

COMMUNICATION Tell your Story Strong, Committing Based on facts Use your people : academics, students choose and build-up your audiences converging support of your Story A full long-term Task Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat/Risk AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

44 To make you begin thinking of your Story
ACE Presentation ACE Mission(s) ACE Ambition ACE Values ACE Revenue Generation projects Each project For each 5 words 5 one-line sentences Customer oriented AFRICAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE

45 Are you dreaming of a last question?


47 Action Plans TASK Key Acting Person Means Market survey Emefa
Vehicle, a team two assistants Research SoP development Sika Vehicle, a team research assistants Specific Training for Support staff Sika and Patrick Lecture facitilty Plan of Operation and Logistics Emma Laboratory Analysis Patrick/Postdoc a team six research assistants/technicians Data Analysis and Report Preparation Osborne/Postdoc a team two assistants Communication Commercialisation Marketing consultant

48 Organization and Human Resource
Existing competencies Ms. Emefa Adzadu – Market survey Ms. Menka – Research SoP Development, Specific training for support staff Dr. Partrick Arthur – Specific training for support staff/laboratory analysis Dr. Osboure Quaye – Data analysis and report preparation Mr. Emmanuel Ghartey – Plan of operations and logistics New competencies Marketing consultant for communication WACCBIP Consulting team: Reporting to the Team leader (Dr. Dorleku) Then to Director (Dr. Awandare)

49 Items Cost/unit Total Investments Marketer (MBA) $1,000/month $3,000 (3 months of the year) Equipment Fees $1000/month $12,000 12 months in the year WACCBIP Consulting vehicle $40,000 One time ($8000 per year) $55,000 Items Cost/unit Total Operating Cost Reagents/Supplies $1000/month $12,000 Per year Stipends $50/month $7,200 12 assistants Per year Allowances $100/month 6 SM Per year Fuel/Utilities $200/month $2,400 12 months in the year Field Assistants Driver $200 Office Supplies $400 $4,800 $43,000

50 Business Plans 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 WACCBIP Consulting team:
Revenue generation investment expenses 55,000 15,000 Additional investment expenses Revenue generation operating expenses 43,000 Additional operating expenses Total Expenses 98,000 58,000 Component 1 generated revenue (objective) 200,000 Component 2 generated revenue (objective Total Revenues Balance 102000 142000 Resources to cover initial expenses WACCBIP Consulting team: 4-10 service packages in a year

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