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The Beginning of Hinduism

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1 The Beginning of Hinduism

2 Brahmanism Brahmins memorized Vedas and passed traditions down from generation to generation

3 Beginnings of Hinduism
Indians beliefs began to change Gurus were thinkers and teachers that left their homes and went into the forest to meditate about life and its big questions: Ex. Why are we born? Ex. How should we live? Their ideas were put into writing (Upanishads) Vedas and Upanishads became Hinduism’s holy scriptures

4 Epic Poems explained how people should lead their lives as Hindus
Ramayana Mahabharata Moral lessons about right and wrong Importance of loyalty and respect 200,000 lines long Two families at war for control of kingdom Moral Issues Bhagavad-Gita:(“Song of the Lord”) is a sacred section of this poem.

5 Beliefs of Hinduism Reincarnation
The rebirth of the soul in a new body Karma Effects of a person’s actions in this and in previous lives Bad karma brings rebirth into a lower caste or as an animal

6 Beliefs of Hinduism 1 supreme cosmic consciousness, spiritual force, or God, called Brahman All of the Gods and Goddesses are a form of Brahman Ex. Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti Brahman is the source of all things Every person is born with a soul The soul is also a form of Brahman

7 Hinduism: 4 Basic Goals in Life
Dharma A person’s duty or what is right and wrong for them. Ahimsa: avoid doing harm to any living being Strive for Well Being Make a good living with dignity Pleasure Cannot be only goal we seek Moksha Liberation from reincarnation Person’s souls becomes one with Brahman Live forever in state of joy

8 3 Paths to Moksha 1st Path: Way of Knowledge Brahmins
True understanding of one’s soul 2nd Path: Way of Works Carrying out religious rituals and duties Good deeds without expectations 3rd Path: Way of Devotion Path of love Worship of Gods and goddesses Offerings to the Gods

9 Buddhism

10 Siddhartha Quest for Answers
Siddhartha was born a prince, but he questioned the meaning of life. Determined to find answers using: Meditation Fasting Learning from different teachers Enlightenment Found it under the Tree of Wisdom while meditating Called the Buddha (Enlightened One) Spent the rest of his life traveling and teaching his ideas

11 Teachings of Buddhism Four Noble Truths
Suffering and unhappiness are a part of human life. No one can escape sorrow. 1. Suffering comes from our desires for pleasure and material goods. 2. People can overcome desire and ignorance and reach nirvana, a state of perfect peace. 3. People can overcome ignorance and desire by following an eightfold path that leads to wisdom, enlightenment, and salvation. 4.


13 Buddhism began in India and then became a major religion.
Buddhism branches out Asoka, one of the most powerful kings in India, became a Buddhist and spread Buddhism in India and foreign lands. Buddhist missionaries traveled the world to teach enlightenment. Buddhism splits Buddhism split into two main sects: Theravada and Mahayana. Members of the Theravada followed the Buddha’s teachings exactly. Members of the Mahayana believed that individual interpretation was important.


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