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Arming Part of Speech: verb Definition: Providing with weapons. Sentence: He was arming himself before the big battle.

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Presentation on theme: "Arming Part of Speech: verb Definition: Providing with weapons. Sentence: He was arming himself before the big battle."— Presentation transcript:


2 Arming Part of Speech: verb Definition: Providing with weapons. Sentence: He was arming himself before the big battle.

3 Drilling Part of Speech: verb Definition: Doing exercises to become efficient soldiers. Sentence: The lieutenant was drilling his soldiers.

4 Just Part of Speech: adjective Definition: honorable and fair Sentence: After their mistake, the consequence was just.

5 Kin Part of Speech: noun Definition: People related by blood or marriage. Sentence: I looked at the scrapbook of all our kin.

6 Peered Part of Speech: verb Definition: looked at with concentration. Sentence: She peered in the glass and found a bug!

7 Rebels Part of Speech: noun Definition: people who oppose or defy the government that exists. Sentence: The rebels went on a strike.

8 Skirmish Part of Speech: noun Definition: a small, short fight between enemies. Sentence: The skirmish between the brothers meant a lot to their mom.

9 Skittish Part of Speech: adjective Definition: nervous and jumpy Sentence: Since they were guilty of stealing, they behavior was very skittish.

10 Arming Drilling Just Kin Peered Rebels Skirmish Skittish

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