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Scalable Interleaving schemes

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1 Scalable Interleaving schemes
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Scalable Interleaving schemes IEEE P Wireless RANs Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Carl R. Stevenson as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at > Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

2 Outline Interleaving process Sub-carrier Interleaving parameters
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Outline Interleaving process One solution using the same interleaving algorithm Sub-carrier Interleaving parameters Performance Curves Binary Interleaving parameters Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

3 Overall interleaving processing
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Overall interleaving processing Two interleaving process Sub-carrier/tone interleaving Binary interleaving applied on encoded bits/before modulation mapping (to BCC, and advanced FECs) Same mathematical algorithm to reduce complexity Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

4 Overall interleaving processing
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Overall interleaving processing NFFT Kd=a 1440 Kd=b 1624 IFFT Kb bits Guard sub-carriers Data scrambing FEC coding Puncturing Binary interleaving sub-carrier Modulation Interleaving In(k) sub-carrier Pilot insertion Multipath channel X S/P Tcp Insertion X + X X AWGN Information binary Source permutation rules selection Interleaving spreading maximization Binary interleaving patterns FEC constraints encountered Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

5 Sub-carrier interleaving
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Sub-carrier interleaving Interleaving parameter sets and interleaving spreading Size K p q j DL(s=1) DL(s=2) DL(s=3) DL(s=4) Uplink: 1624 4 2 3 743 138 605 276 Downlink: 1440 40 559 322 237 644 Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

6 Sub-carrier Interleaving patterns
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Sub-carrier Interleaving patterns Both Downlink (K=1440) and Uplink (K=1624) Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

7 Downlink Simulation environment (1/2)
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Downlink Simulation environment (1/2) FFT size : 2048 Guard sub-carriers: 184 on the left side, 183 on the right side DC sub-carrier: 1 Pilots: 240 Modulation 16-QAM Data sub-carriers: 1440 Sub-channel size: 24 data symbols Coded Block size: 384,576, 1728 (interleaving block size) Channel coding: Convolutional as in draft 0.1 Channel model: Profile B with Doppler Classical Viterbi Decoding Sub-carrier mapping in the frequency domain 16-QAM t f Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

8 Simulation environment (2/2)
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Simulation environment (2/2) Interleaving parameters Binary interleaving s0 s1 Size K  p q,j j=1,s=1 j=1,s=2 Proposed interleaver 576 36 2,1 217 142 IEEE802.16 16 32 q, j j=1,s=3 j=1,s=4 75 284 IEEE802.16e 48 64 Interleaving parameters Sub-carrier interleaving Size K p q j DL(s=1) DL(s=2) DL(s=3) DL(s=4) 1624 4 2 3 743 138 605 276 1320 24 481 358 123 604 1440 40 559 322 237 644 IEEE802.16e 92 82 127 207 Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

9 July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

10 July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

11 Uplink Simulation environment
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Uplink Simulation environment FFT size : 2048 Guard sub-carriers: 184 on the left side, 183 on the right side 56 sub-carriers reserved for ranging, etc. DC sub-carrier: 1 Pilots: 232 (8 for ranging) Modulation 16-QAM Data sub-carriers: 1392 (48 for ranging) Sub-channel size: 24 data symbols Coded Block size: 576 (interleaving block size) Channel coding: Convolutional as in draft 0.1 Channel model: Profile B with Doppler Classical Viterbi Decoding Interleaving both pilots and data-subcarrier 16 QAM t f 6 OFDM symbols Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

12 July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

13 July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

14 Binary interleaving parameters
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Binary interleaving parameters Size K (bits) p q j DI(s=1) DI(s=2) DI(s=3) DI(s=4) 2304 16 2 799 706 93 892 2112 514 285 1028 1824 737 350 387 700 1728 36 1 793 142 651 284 1680 40 559 562 3 556 1632 545 542 548 1440 322 237 644 1248 319 610 291 28 1152 359 434 75 1008 361 286 436 960 415 130 260 864 223 418 195 672 226 220 576 217 480 79 158 164 336 113 110 116 288 65 192 31 62 68 96 34 Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

15 July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Conclusions This flexible method is shown to implement several interleaving sizes with high interleaving spreading Well adapted to Gains over the .16 interleavers range from 1 – 3 dB Applies to both frequency and binary interleavering For binary interleaving the same can be used for CC, and other FECs Complexity reduced by using same algorithm with different parameters Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

16 Back up slides July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

17 Additional Simulation Results
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Additional Simulation Results Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

18 July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

19 July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

20 July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

21 Block interleaving proposal [1][2][3]
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Block interleaving proposal [1][2][3] A unique mathematical algorithm L(k) to generate block interleaving with a size K Interleaving proposal which depends on 2 integer parameters {p,q} and an iterative structure with j iterations to generate the desired permutation X(k) j j+s k L(k) L(0) L(j) L(j+s) L(k) X'(k) j j+s Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

22 Interleaving structure
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Interleaving structure Overall structure k I I I I k Lo L1 Scalability thanks to the iterative process Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

23 Interleaving pattern selection Selection of the interleaver parameters
July 2007 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2007 Interleaving pattern selection Maximize the interleaving spreading  {p,q,j} Interleaving parameters between adjacent sub-carriers associated to the same sub-channel between sub-carriers associated to different sub-channels Small s values are preferred [1] Selection of the interleaver parameters {p, q, j} Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

24 References July 2007 July 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.22-yy/xxxxr0
[1] Siaud.I, Ulmer-Moll A.M, "A Novel Adaptive sub-carrier Interleaving : application to millimeter-wave WPAN OFDM Systems (IST MAGNET project)", IEEE portable 2007 conf, March 2007, Orlando (USA). [2] Siaud.I, Ulmer-Moll, "Advanced Interleaving algorithms for OFDM based millimeter wave WPAN transmissions", SCEE Seminar, 8 February 2007, France. [3] Siaud.I, Ulmer-Moll A.M, P. Desmoulin, "A novel HiperMAN OFDM/OFDMA PHY dynamic sub-carrier mapping algorithm based on a dynamic turbo-structure interleaving (Version V.2) ", ETSI BRAN #44, document d032, February 2006. [4] , Enhanced_Bit_and_Frequency_Interleaving [5] , frequency_interleaving_text Siaud/Benko, France Telecom R&D Siaud Isabelle, France Telecom

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