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2 Malaya house

3 Vernacular architecture
It is common knowledge. The vernacular architecture of a place is a result of considerations on: Climate Culture Religion Environment Socio culture Human behavior

4 Malay architecture Malay traditional houses (MTH) have been accepted as the reference for suitable design solutions to the hot humid climate. Houses also have been accepted as a structure that reflects the culture of the Malay. There are claims that MTH are the best solution to the, cultural and religious factors of this region.

5 Malay houses The traditional Malay house is one of the richest components of Malaysia’s cultural heritage Designed and built by the villagers themselves The house is extremely well designed to suit the warm and humid Malaysian climate It has multifunctional use of space Its design is flexible and future additions can be done Suitable to their socio economic and culture needs

6 House form Timber house raised on stills
Wooden and bamboo walls and a thatch roof More windows Large open interior spaces with minimum partition walls

7 Types of houses BUMBUNG PANJANG:
They are oldest, traditional and common with gable roof. BUMBANG LIMA: They have foreign influence. Consists of hipped roof.

8 Types of houses BUMBUMG PERAK:
They have foreign influence. Consists of gambrel roof. BUMBUNG LIMAS: They have foreign influence. Consists of pyramidal roof

9 Interior layout Spaces in the Malay house are multifunctional
The use of space changes at different times of the day and year There are minimal partitions or interior walls in the house, allowing for the flexible use of space and for good the interiors. Minimal furniture ventilation and lighting is used and most activities are done on the floor.

10 Interior layout The traditional Malay house can be divided into the front and back portions At the entrances of most traditional Malay houses, stairs lead up to a covered porch which acts as a good transition space between the public and the private domains It also acts as an important focal point for the entrance. Unfamiliar visitors and guests are entertained here. It is also a favorite place for the house occupants to rest, chat and watch the goings-on and passers-by in the village

11 Interior layout The inside place of the house is divided by the partition walls level difference for different activities like sleeping, sewing, praying, ironing, playing studying and even feasting which is held during marriages and other festivals, all occur here. The kitchen is always situated at the back of the house, and is on the lowest floor level. Near the kitchen there is a raised place for women to chitchat

12 House activities

13 Malaysian climate and environment
The Malaysian climate is hot and humid Air temperature averages between 22°C and 32°C with small annual and diurnal ranges Humidity is high throughout the year, averaging about 75% or more Solar radiation is strong and can cause painful sky glare. Rainfall is also high throughout the year, averaging 250 to 300 cm

14 Design for climate control
House form in Malaysia provide for the following things: Allow adequate ventilation for cooling and reduction of humidity. Use building materials with low thermal capacity so that little heat is transmitted into the house. Control direct solar radiation. Control glare from the open skies and surroundings. Protect against rain Ensure adequate natural vegetation in the surroundings to provide for a cooler micro climate. Washrooms were situated out side of houses

15 Design for Climate control

16 Building materials Timber Bamboo Rattan


18 Possible addition

19 External environment

20 Buildings layout The unplanned arrangement of Malay house helps to reduce the risk of strong wind the character of Malay are detached and dispersed units with ample external space between them of fresh air to circulate.

21 It consist of two patterns
LINEAR: house facing the economic resources and transportation links like roads CONCENTRIC: the serambi face the public space located at the center of the houses

22 House elevations Decoration was done with wood curving and weaving bamboo walls



25 CULTURE & RELIGION The majority of Malaya's are Muslim
In Malay the houses were mostly faced towards Mecca There are Chinese, Hindus etc. Chinese have adopted the Malay traditions while maintaining elements of chinese culture

26 questions What is Vernacular Architecture ?
2. Malaysian houses are the best solutions to the culture and religious factors of that region, Explain this with an example of a Malaysian house. 3. Explain different types of House forms of Malysia. 4. Explain the Interior layout of Malaysian houses heighlighting the common household activities. 5. How are the Malaysian houses designed to control the climate. 6. How is the Culture and religion effected the built forms.

27 Thank you

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