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ultra high energy cosmic rays: theoretical aspects

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1 ultra high energy cosmic rays: theoretical aspects
Daniel De Marco Bartol Research Institute University of Delaware

2 plan observations & open issues origin of UHECRs
propagation: the GZK feature small scale anisotropies UHECRs, -rays and s

3 indirect observation (EAS) direct observation
(1 particle per km2--century)

4 many joules in one particle
indirect observation (EAS) direct observation (1 particle per km2--century) UHECR many joules in one particle

5 UHECRs: observations spectrum composition AGASA HiRes Auger
arrival directions high energy AGASA composition Ostapchenko, Heck 2005 arrival dirs. low energy AGASA

6 UHECRs: observations two (separate) issues production propagation
AGASA HiRes Auger spectrum arrival directions high energy AGASA two (separate) issues production for astrophysical accelerators it is challenging to accelerate particles to such high energies. propagation GZK feature in the energy spectrum due to the interactions with the photons of the CMB composition Ostapchenko, Heck 2005 arrival dirs. low energy end of the CR spectrum at some high energy strong flux suppression around 5 x 1019eV AGASA

7 origin of UHECRs bottom-up top-down
the energy flux embedded in a macroscopic motion or in magnetic fields is partly converted into energy of a few very high energy particles. Shock acceleration at either Newtonian or Relativistic shocks. Composition: nucleons (nuclei) autolimiting: Emax ≤ Ze B L

8 hillas plot Emax ≤ Ze B L Hillas 1984
accounting for energy losses the situation is even more difficult lines: 1020 eV Olinto 2000

9 origin of UHECRs bottom-up top-down
the energy flux embedded in a macroscopic motion or in magnetic fields is partly converted into energy of a few very high energy particles. Shock acceleration at either Newtonian or Relativistic shocks. Composition: nucleons (nuclei) autolimiting: Emax ≤ Ze B L particle physics inspired models UHECRs are generated by the decay of very massive particles mX » 1020 eV originating from high-energy processes in the early universe. Topological Defects or SMRP flatter spectra Composition: dominated by photons Constraints from the diffuse gamma rays flux measured by EGRET around 100 GeV

10 propagation of UHECRs: protons
redshift losses pair production (Eth ~ 5x1017 eV) pUHE +CMB  N + e+ + e- pion production (Eth ~ 7x1019 eV) pUHE +CMB  N +  high inelasicity (20 – 50%) loss lengths GZK suppression: loss 5x1019 eV = 1 Gpc loss 1020 eV = 100 Mpc

11 GZK feature: single source
modification factor: observed spectrum / injection spectrum bump suppression

12 similar conclusions for nuclei and gamma rays: CRs can not reach us at UHE if they are generated at distances larger than about 100 Mpc (except neutrinos, violations of LI and so on) if the sources are uniformly distributed in the universe we should expect a suppression in the flux of UHECRs around 1020 eV

13 actual discrepancies more like ~3 and ~2
AGASA & HiRes AGASA claims noGZK at 4 HiRes claims GZK at 4 a factor 2 in the flux HiRes: GZK AGASA: no GZK actual discrepancies more like ~3 and ~2 DDM, Blasi, Olinto 2003, 2005

14 systematic errors (?) AGASA -15% HiRes +15% agreement at low energy
less disagreement at high energy how much?? ~2 DDM, Blasi, Olinto 2003, 2005 DDM, Stanev 2005

15 some AGASA spectra DDM, Blasi, Olinto 2005

16 both AGASA and HiRes do not have enough statistical power to determine if the GZK suppression is there or not

17 auger: hybrid detection

18 AGASA HiRes Auger

19 Auger energy determination
reconstruct S(1000) convert S(1000) to S38 using CIC curve convert S38 to energy using the correlation determined with hybrid data 1019eV

20 Auger ICRC spectrum 444 17

21 small scale anisotropy
AGASA: 5 doublets + 1 triplet

22 see also Finley and Westerhoff 2003
AGASA 2pcf point sources (?) DDM, Blasi, Olinto 2005 see also Finley and Westerhoff 2003

23 B~<10-10 G resol.=2.5º =2.6 m=0 E > 4x1019 eV - 57 events
AGASA multiplets B~<10-10 G resol.=2.5º =2.6 m=0 E > 4x1019 eV - 57 events 10-6 Mpc-3 10-5 Mpc-3 10-4 Mpc-3 DDM, Blasi 2004

24 sources characteristics
LCR = 6x1044 erg/yr/Mpc3 (E>1019 eV - from spectrum fits) n0 = 10-5 Mpc-3 (from ssa) Lsrc = 2x1042 erg/s (E>1019 eV) are these ssa for real? the significance of the AGASA result is not clear HiRes doesn’t see them some internal inconsistency

25 AGASA spectrum discrete sources
: 3.2  3.7 DDM, Blasi, Olinto 2005

26 P~2 10-5 arrival directions DDM, Blasi, Olinto 2005

27 both the ssa and the spectrum measurement need more statistics to be conclusive and reliable

28 galactic magnetic field
regular + turbulent spiral on the plane exponential decay out of the plane (~1 kpc) ~2 G at Sun position Lmax ~ pc Bt ~ Breg spectrum: (??) kolmogorov, 5/3 kraichnan, 3/2 sun RL(4x1019eV) = 20 kpc no big deflections except in the disk or in the center

29 deflections in EGMF - 4x1019eV
110 Mpc Dolag at el. 2003: constrained simulation of the MF in the local universe MF in voids: nG MF in filaments: nG deflections >1o in less than 2% of sky self-similarity >1o in less than 30% of sky up to 500 Mpc CR astronomy (maybe) possible Sigl et al. 2004: very similar approach, completely different results. Fields in voids higher by 2-4 orders of magnitude. CR astronomy definitely impossible

30 UHECRs, neutrinos and gamma rays
interaction of accelerated protons in the sources or during propagation the neutrino spectrum is unmodified, except for redshift losses gamma rays pile up below the pp threshold on the CMB (~ few 1014eV) universe = calorimeter EGRET diffuse gamma ray flux (MeV GeV) produces a constraint on neutrino fluxes Lee 1998

31 CR bound on  from astrophysical sources
Waxman & Bahcall 1998 Mannheim, Protheroe, Rachen 2000 EG p: E-2 (thin) max. EG p flux p/ horizon ratio from EG GR bg eV EGCR spectrum: energy density of muon neutrinos fraction of energy lost fraction going in neutrinos not valid for top-down sources, optically thick sources…

32 GZK neutrinos W&B rates per km3 water per year: 0.1-0.2
from neutron decay from neutrons pion-production Engel, Seckel, Stanev 2001 rates per km3 water per year:

33 issues/questions for the future
increase statistics above 1020eV: is the GZK feature present? (solve SD-FD discrepancy) increase statistics above 4x1019 eV to identify ssa and possibly determine density of sources measure chemical composition at low energy to determine where the G-XG transition is occurring and at high energy to understand the nature of UHECRs multifrequency observation of the sources

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