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Packaging &Kitting Agency Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd.

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2 Packaging &Kitting Agency Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd.

3 SSSS tttt aaaa nnnn dddd aaaa rrrr dddd O O O O pppp eeee rrrr aaaa tttt iiii nnnn gggg P P P P rrrr oooo cccc eeee ssss ssss FFFF oooo rrrr K K K K iiii tttt tttt iiii nnnn gggg & & & & D D D D eeee ssss pppp aaaa tttt cccc hhhh o o o o ffff SSSS tttt aaaa rrrr tttt eeee rrrr K K K K iiii tttt ssss

4 CONTENTS OF KITTING MATERIAL ContentsOwnerLead Time T-SIM /Activation CardTelecom Company30 days Outer Envelope (As per Profile)MARS7 days User Guide – English & Regional LanguageMARS7 days CAF (Customer application form) – two language: English & RegionalMARS7 days Recharge within 7 days StickersMARS7 days Barcode Sticker (Serial. & MDN No.) – 2 Nos. (1 pasted on envelope and 1 inserted) MARS1 day Inner CartonMARS7 days Outer CartonMARS7 days

5 Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd. STARTER KIT CONTENTS CAF (Customer application form) – two language: English & local User manual - Two language English & local RUIM card/ Activation card 2 Serial number & MDN number stickers (2x1) Outer envelope (6x6) Recharge Sticker One pasted outside the envelope & One inserted in

6 Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd. T-SIM & ACTIVATION CARD MAP DATA. T-SIM / Activation Cards are directly dispatch by the vendor to Kitting Agency. (WH) Physically Checking the Qty. of T-SIM / Activation Cards as per Challan. Informs Telecom Company person If any shortages or damages. Circle & Serial wise stocks are maintained at MARS. Mapping data is send by Telecom Company Mapping data Management – Circle wise Mapped data Management for T-SIM & Activation. Checks for completeness of Mapping Details –Serial & MDN No. Telecom Company Sends Kitting Plan – Monthly, Weekly & Daily.

7 Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd. STEPS TO BE TAKEN PRIOR TO KITTING. Checking The Availability Of Following :- T-SIM / Activation Cards. Map data. All Kitting Material for the required Profile. In case of Shortage informs Telecom Company about the same. In case of availability of all the above goes ahead with next step. Serial No & Mapping Details are printed on Barcode Sticker via Barcode Printer. Checks the printed details for Clarity, Completeness, Bar Code, MDN No. (10 Digits) Issue of Material to Line for commencing Kitting operations Material to be issued on hourly basis for complete kitting operations T-SIM / Activation Cards along with printed Barcode Stickers. Envelopes User Guides CAF Forms Supervisor ensure that printed labels & T-SIM / Activation series are same To be double checked before handing over for kitting To check no of stickers printed are equal to no of ruim cards issued for kitting.

8 Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd. Scanning After Kitting Supervisor to hand over kits for scanning Scanning is done for the Sr.No and scanning is done through Scanner Scanning Data is then transferred to system. Scanning File is made in Excel Depending upon the Data Outer Sr.No Labels are made and pasted on the Master Carton Packed box to be kept aside and complete rechecking to be done, if any shortage & same is informed to the Supervisor for immediate action After this scanning is done.

9 Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd. Prepaid Processes:- Kitting Lead Times Kitting Plan-7 days in advance (assuming Pck Mtl availability) Mapping Details-2 days in advance PM Procurement-7 days for existing material -15 days for introduction of new material Despatch Plan-1 day from receipt of Mapping Details Priorities to be provided by Corporate Marketing Team of Telecom Company.

10 Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd. Kitting Process Kitting Area required per work station - 70 sq ft No of work stations required-As per the total Kitting qty. Output Per Work Station-500 Kits per hour. Working Hours-10 Hours Shift Total Output-1,00,000 Kits per day (Fresh Kitting) 40,000 Kits per day (Re-Kitting).

11 Mars Synergies Pvt. Ltd. Material Ready For Dispatch Once the kits ready for Despatch are kept in the Despatch Area. On receiving instruction from Telecom Company the said Kits are Despatch Telecom Company Transporter available at Kitting Agency arranges the transportation for this Kits Mode of Transportation is confirmed by Telecom Company. Telecom Company person make the required document i.e. Stock Transfer Note (Manual or thru SAP/ORACLE). Telecom Company person rechecks the kits ready for despatch before handing over to Transporter. Telecom Company person takes L.R., doc. From transporter. Dispatch details are given to Telecom Company Corporate on daily basis. Telecom Company Corporate in turn gives despatch details to Telecom Company Circle SCM.

12 Looking Forward To A Win Win Relationship

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