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TA Jet Apply the theory of electrostatic strength measurement to detect the solder joints open / contacted BGA pins up to 100%.

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Presentation on theme: "TA Jet Apply the theory of electrostatic strength measurement to detect the solder joints open / contacted BGA pins up to 100%."— Presentation transcript:

1 TA Jet Apply the theory of electrostatic strength measurement to detect the solder joints open / contacted BGA pins up to 100%.

2 Whats the difference between TA Jet & HP TestJet? TA JetHP TestJet Theory Electrostatic measurement. Capacitor coupling. Signal Processing. Through SW CARDThrough MUX CARD. No. of Test Terminals. 32 Sensing signal ratio of contacted/open. 20~30 times High.10~15times Low. Test Frequency. 2K~10K automatic adjustable. Only one frequency at 10KHz. CostUSD3,000-USD10,000- MUX Card cost. NoUSD100/ board. Sensor pad price.USD 35/set USD35-85/set.

3 Know how(I) MUX CARD M (Current Pre. AMP.) SWITCH CARD M (Synchronous Detector AMP.) HP TestJet TA Jet

4 Know how(II) HP TestJet TA Jet ε Electrostatic strength. (V/m) Measuring the capacitance between bonding line and HP sensor pad. (fF)

5 Solder joints Contacted / Open sense level. TA Jet testing ability is over 20 times of HP Test Jet.

6 SMD coverage rate. FQFP, SOJ, SOP, PLCC HP TestJet test results : good. TAJet test results : excellent.

7 BGA coverage rate. HP Test Jet. TA Jet. A A ε ε Coverage rate up to 100%. Unstable to test under 100fF level. Normal IC BGA

8 Intel 845(North Bridge) coverage rate. HP TestJet about 10% level. A d d

9 ε TA Jet coverage rate up to 100%. r SWITCH CARD M DSP Intel 845(North Bridge) Coverage Rate.

10 Intel 845(North Bridge) coverage rate. TA Jet SWITCH CARD M DSP V F Contacted BGA 845 Noise OK open SMD fs

11 SCSI / PCI SMD Connector. HP TestJet TA Jet

12 Benefits of TA Jet. Up to 100% BGA pins of solder joints Contacted/ Open inspection. Up to 100% Intel 845 BGA pins of solder joints Contacted/Open inspection. Up to 100% SCSI / PCI SMD connector solder joints Contacted/Open inspection. Make sure where the true BGA failures are.

13 Parallel pins. If circuit impedance small than 10ohms, the stimulus signal can not apply to almost a short circuit. Logically BGA parallel pins are same circuit, we can not discriminate if one of them is open circuit. Circuit impedance. BGA relative components. If the BGA relative component in O/S, missing part, wrong part fail, it may affect the test value of BGA. Limitations of BGA Open/contacted test.

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