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Carmel Clay Schools CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL

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1 Carmel Clay Schools CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL
Preparing for Senior Year Scheduling and College/Career Information

Class of 2017 January 12, Student View Scheduling Video in SRT (informational materials passed out in SRT) January 14, th Grade Parent Meeting for Scheduling (6:30 p.m. auditorium) January 12-19, 2016 Online Course Registration System Open for Student Request Entry January 29, Deadline for Application Courses Prior to scheduling, students should prepare for their scheduling appointments by: reading the info on worksheets. reading the Program of Studies. choosing courses and filling out online course requests completely. please have your parent/guardian review your choices with you complete and return required course applications for by Jan. 29th. Jan. 20 – Feb Students’ Individual Scheduling Appointments SRT teachers will have information about when each student will be meeting with the student’s counselor please remember that each counselor sets their own calendar and will use these dates as a guideline only After scheduling appointments, students will be given a final copy of their course selections. (Parents - Please ask for it!) The Online Course Request system will be open for a limited time for students to make course selections. January 12-19 Review timeline Emphasize that each counselor has own system for scheduling individual meetings, but all students will meet individually with their counselor. Review expectations of students and parents PRIOR to scheduling meetings Remind that students have used the online course request system before. More details to follow! Emphasize parent participation

3 to select courses that fit your interests!
Be sure to keep teacher course recommendations in mind when choosing courses. Complete the worksheet and enter online course requests BEFORE your scheduling appointment. Parents should review course options with their student. Use the Program of Studies to select courses that fit your interests!

4 Applications for these courses MUST be in by January 29th!!!
Many courses require applications or teacher permission. Students must be sure to submit all applications and secure teacher permission by February 3rd . This means they may need to apply before their scheduling appointment. This list is included in their scheduling materials.

5 Please make note of the schedule change deadline!
SCHEDULE CHANGE POLICY Students and parents are advised that all requests for schedule changes for must be made by May 1, 2016. Requests for schedule changes made between March 1 and May 1, 2016 will be honored if space is still available in the course. After May 1, 2016, changes in a student’s schedule, for either semester, may be made only for the following reasons: 1. Errors made by the school in developing the schedule 2. The need for the school to balance class sizes 3. Medical reason with documentation 4. Change in program placement for students with learning problems, such as adjustments in or assignments to special services or resource classes 5. Request to take courses to qualify for the Academic Honors Diploma or Indiana Core 40 6. Failure of a course required for graduation 7. Failure of a prerequisite, i.e., anything that would prevent a student from going on to a requisite course as published in the Program of Studies book 8. Failure of a course required for entrance into post-secondary education 9. Request to add a course required for college (with documentation from the college) 10. Adding a seventh course to replace a study hall 11. A student has failed with a teacher previously in a course, and he/she gets the same teacher for exactly the same course 12. A student requests to attend the full year rather than be a mid-year graduate 13. Move-in students who may need a second or third study hall because we are unable to match courses (This applies only after the tenth day of each semester) 14. Adding a class to continue the sequence of a year-long course 15. Adding a required course in lieu of an elective class. Please make note of the schedule change deadline! May 1st For BOTH semesters next year. CHS determines staffing and ultimately a master schedule based on course requests by students. Schedule changes after these processes have been complete are only allowed in certain circumstances. After March 1st, schedules can be changed if space allows. After May 1st schedule changes will not be allowed, except for one of these 15 reasons. This includes spring semester courses as well!

6 Summer School Scheduling will include summer school class selection
2 options for summer school = class at CHS online classes through Indiana Online Academy (IOA) Summer school at CHS: *One session (May 31 – June 30) *Monday –Thursday only *8 am – 12 pm * Limited class offerings at CHS include: AP Government, AP Macroeconomics, or online credit recovery for spring semester students who need to complete courses Counselors will discuss summer school during scheduling meetings. Students can register for Summer School during scheduling. Emphasize that there are limited course options available: Math, PE, IPR, Government, AP Government, Economics, AP Macroeconomics, and Credit Recovery

7 Summer School Summer School through Indiana Online Academy (IOA): *June 6 – July 21 *students register online through IOA now through June 1st *flexible hours *maximum of 2 classes *No charge *courses available to CHS students currently in grades 9-11 include: PE I, PE II (register by March 1), College Entrance Preparation, any course a student is eligible to take under the CHS retake policy, any course in which a student needs to recover credit, math courses in order for a student to get back on sequence (cannot work ahead in math) Current 8th graders (rising 9th graders) are only allowed to take PE I, PE II

8 Graduation Requirements
Diploma types: Core 40 Core 40 with Academic Honors Core 40 with Technical Honors *The General Diploma will only be available after an “Opt-out” meeting with Parents and CHS Administration. With the Counselor’s help, it is the student’s responsibility to know the graduation requirements for the diploma he/she is striving for. This information is available in the Program of Studies. Briefly review diploma types. Remind students/parents that all diploma requirement information can be found in the first few pages of the POS. Remind that POS is available online. Encourage student use of 4-year plan and continuous tracking to ensure diploma requirement completion.

9 Core 40, Academic Honors and Technical Honors: Details
During individual scheduling meetings, counselors review diploma progress with students! Counselors DO discuss diploma progress at scheduling meetings. Briefly review diploma details. Remind students/parents to check with colleges/universities to ensure they are meeting specific admission requirements.

10 Senior Transition to College Program
Meet pre-requisite requirements Core 40 with Academic or Technical Honors College & Career Readiness benchmark scores Successfully complete at least 1 weighted course prior Exemplary record of behavior, attendance, and service Complete the application Enroll in at least 4 fully-weighted qualifying courses Enroll in the College & Career Symposium Complete a year-end exit interview

11 English Options Option 1 Option 2
English 12-1 Composition OR English 12-1 Composition ACP (W131) And one of the following: English 12-2 Speech English 12-2 Debate English 12-2 Public Speaking ACP English 12-2 Adv. Speech and Communication 3-4 Genres of Literature ACP (with W131) Option 2 One of the following: AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP Capstone Research (of already enrolled in AP Capstone) IB English HL 3-4 (if already enrolled in IB English) Senior course selections will typically include these courses at a minimum. NOTE: change in Senior English course requirements and elimination of English Electives to fulfill senior English requirement UNLESS they’ve already taken one prior to next year. Remaining courses should include additional core courses and electives that fulfill diploma requirements, address student interests, and provide exposure to major- or career-related coursework.

12 Social Studies Requirements
US Government or AP US Government & Politics And ONE of the following: Economics AP Macroeconomics Global Economics Senior course selections will typically include these courses at a minimum. NOTE: change in Senior English course requirements and elimination of English Electives to fulfill senior English requirement UNLESS they’ve already taken one prior to next year. Remaining courses should include additional core courses and electives that fulfill diploma requirements, address student interests, and provide exposure to major- or career-related coursework.

13 CHS Dual Credit Courses
Briefly explain what dual credit courses are and the benefits: College level courses taken at the high school. Transferrable credit (typically at a reduced cost). Transferability depends on the school and major. Students may be able to get a head start on entry level college courses or have requirements waived. NOTE: Many Business Dept. course titles have changed in the past year, EX: Business College Prep=Advanced Business=Principles of Business Mgmt.

14 ACP vs. AP Make it possible to earn college credit in high school
Advanced College Project Indiana University curriculum taught by specially-trained CHS teachers Students receive credit from CHS and college credit from Indiana University The final grade in the course is on both the CHS transcript and an IU transcript Students pay a reduced tuition rate ($25 per credit hour) for 3- or 4- credit college courses IU courses may be transferred to other colleges based upon institutional policies (see for more information on which courses transfer to which institutions) Advanced Placement National program through College Board Standardized curriculum Students take exam in May and may receive credit (or course exemption) based upon that exam score –not the grade in the class Cost is $92 per exam See for more information Go into more detail about ACP (a dual credit option) Make distinction from Advanced Placement (AP): i.e. credit not automatic but based on exam score AND college/university credit policy. Emphasize that AP exams scores of 3 or higher will result in some type of credit (major or elective) from IN state institutions by state law.

15 J. Everett Light Career Center
An area career center that serves 12 school corporations in Hamilton, Boone, and Marion counties Offers 25 Career-Technical education programs such as Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Dental Assisting, EMT, Law Enforcement, Veterinary Assisting, Welding, Health Care Careers, Automotive Collision Repair, Automotive Service Technology and more Dual credit opportunities Morning or afternoon sessions – a CHS student will spend ½ day at JEL and ½ day at CHS CHS students earn 3 elective credits per semester for a JEL class JEL is located on the back side of North Central HS on 86th St. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with JEL Staff for information/tour. Emphasize that students can be college bound and still participate in JEL programs. Students interested in JEL should notify their counselor sooner rather than later to allow for careful course planning.

16 What is Realistic Rigor???
“Do I take the rigorous class and risk a lower grade or take the easier class and ensure a good grade?” Consider time commitments Focus on strengths/interests Consider teacher recommendations Take an honest look at past performance If an A/B is likely in the rigorous course, go for it with a positive attitude & work hard! Emphasize balance. It’s not always a question of ability, instead time, interest level, and preparedness for major should be considered. Look at/consider past performance when considering higher level courses. Level of rigor and choice should be a personal consideration/decision not one that relies on what everyone else is doing. There is more than one path through high school, students need to choose the path that fits them best rather than do what their friends are doing. What is Realistic Rigor???

17 Online scheduling (OCR) Online Course Requests
Students will choose their courses online from home. Open FIREFOX and go to the CHS website and type “OCR” in the search box. Parents should review the courses with their student Counselors will meet individually with students to review selected courses, review their progress, and discuss college and career information The OCR will close at the end of the day on January 19 Students may make changes to their schedule through schedule change forms up to May 1, 2016 Explain that current juniors have used the OCR system for two years, and it is very user friendly. Reassure that counselors will be reviewing course requests at scheduling meetings and will catch any errors or omissions. Remind that OCR opens on January 14 and closes on January 21. Students/parents will be able to see their course requests after January 21st , but changes after January 21st must be made through counselors.

18 OCR How to get to the OCR on the CHS website

19 College & Career Information
Explain that the primary goal of individual scheduling appointments is to confirm course requests for next year, counselors will do so within the context of a student’s future plans and career goals in mind. Students and parents should be aware of the resources available in this area.


21 Counseling Department website link can be found on the CHS Homepage

22 Access Family Connection through the CHS Counseling Homepage


24 Register to meet with the college reps visiting CHS during the school day.

25 Sign up for the college rep you would like to meet with on the specified date.

26 If you are still searching for the right college, check out the college search link.

27 If you already know the school you are searching for, just type the name of the school in the search box.

28 Click on school name for detailed information regarding admissions, financial aid, majors, etc.

29 Specific admission data on CHS applicants
Specific admission data on CHS applicants. Students can see their data compared to previously accepted CHS students.

30 Important admission facts, financial aid, available majors and student life information links.
SAT/ACT and GPA admission data available for most schools.

31 College & Career Resource Center
Program Coordinator and 2 part-time College Advisors located in the Counseling Center Assist with college search/choice, interview skills, and major/career choice. Students can request a meeting and parents can make appointments Compile college information, admissions data, and scholarship information for CHS students Offer informational meetings throughout the year for students and parents Website and Social Media Resources Emphasize additional college counseling staff and enhanced resources/services

32 Getting Started Research colleges that fit your needs
Make sure minimum admission standards are met by choosing appropriate courses and maintaining a realistically rigorous schedule. Visit colleges Meet with College representatives who visit CHS Stay organized: create a college search file, keep track of username/passwords, create a timeline. Think about possible recommenders and essay responses in advance Use your resources! Never too late to start taking these steps. The college search process is just that: a process.

33 What Colleges Consider
Grades Cumulative GPA Upward Trend Importance of Junior Year Grades Senior Grades Count Solid Core Subjects AP’s and Honors (Rigor with Reality) Standardized Test Scores Course Selection

34 What Colleges Consider
Letters of Recommendation Complete the Counselor Recommendation Packet (found on the CHS home page under Counseling Link) College Essay Interviews Extracurricular Activities Continuity Level of Commitment/Leadership Resume Demonstrated Interest

35 Testing New SAT begins in March, 2016.
No superscoring between old and new SAT Take both SAT and ACT this winter/spring Take strongest test more than once. Many colleges will take highest scores (super scoring). Test scores are important factor in admissions process! Send scores directly to colleges (4 for FREE) when register. See CHS Website for prep resources as well as and CHS SAT Prep course is offered in the spring and fall. SAT and ACT testing information (dates, costs, etc) available online via the counseling website or by going directly to testing agency websites.

36 Financial Aid/Scholarships
College and Career Resource Center Staff compiles/disseminates information about Scholarships Twitter and Facebook updates Family Connection Scholarship Announcements College and Career Resource Center Staff sponsor financial aid and scholarship information session/workshops. Financial Aid/Scholarship Night January 21st Class of 2017: FAFSA opens October (2016) Merit-Based Aid versus Need-Based Aid Scholarship resources/websites Financial Aid and Scholarships should be considered throughout the college search process. Take advantage of resources offered by CHS as a starting point. Most aid/scholarships come from the college/university itself. Be sure to check college/university financial aid and scholarship websites for information. Majority of resources available in Counseling office are related to private or supplemental scholarships and include a combination of merit and need based aid.

37 College Info on Social Media!
Follow us on us on Facebook at “Carmel High School College Counseling” A great resource for: College Admissions Information Application Deadlines Scholarships Financial Aid College Rep Visits Summer Programs We are using Social Media to get current information to you

38 Cyber Profile What’s on your student’s Social Media?
Pictures Status postings Links Cyber profiles on the internet are potentially available to anyone to view College admission offices and future employers can “Google” applicants News articles confirm that some colleges and employers are reviewing internet identities. We include this slide in all of our student presentations to be sure they are aware that this is a reality and to take stock of what they are sharing about themselves via social media.

Summary SCHEDULING TIMELINE FOR JUNIORS Class of 2017 January 12, Student View Scheduling Video in SRT (informational materials passed out in SRT) January 14, th Grade Parent Meeting for Scheduling (6:30 p.m. auditorium) January 12-19, 2016 Online Course Registration System Open for Student Request Entry January 29, Deadline for Application Courses Prior to scheduling, students should prepare for their scheduling appointments by: reading the info on worksheets. reading the Program of Studies. choosing courses and filling out online course requests completely. please have your parent/guardian review your choices with you complete and return required course applications for by Jan. 29th. Jan. 20 – Feb Students’ Individual Scheduling Appointments SRT teachers will have information about when each student will be meeting with the student’s counselor please remember that each counselor sets their own calendar and will use these dates as a guideline only After scheduling appointments, students will be given a final copy of their course selections. (Parents - Please ask for it!) Counselors will be setting individual appointments with their students Students will complete worksheets and online course registration with parents BEFORE the student meets with their counselor. Pay attention to scheduling deadlines. There will be no schedule changes after May 1 for next year. Students: This is your schedule! Put thought into the classes that will both appeal to your areas of interest, and prepare you for your future. Review and emphasize dates/deadlines. Reminder: consider your senior schedule carefully. Colleges use senior schedule in determining admissions. Changes to that schedule could result in changes to admission status. Thank You! We have about 10 minutes. Are there any general questions that the audience can benefit from? If you have specific questions regarding your student, please contact your student’s counselor tomorrow.

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