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Nonlinear Network Structures for Optimal Control

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Presentation on theme: "Nonlinear Network Structures for Optimal Control"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonlinear Network Structures for Optimal Control
Automation & Robotics Research Institute (ARRI) Nonlinear Network Structures for Optimal Control Frank L. Lewis and Murad Abu-Khalaf Advanced Controls, Sensors, and MEMS (ACSM) group

2 System Cost The Usual Suspects


Generalized HJB Equation Optimal Control (SVFB) Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) Equation

5 PROBLEM- HJB usually has no analytic solution
SOLUTION- Successive Approximation a stabilizing control A contraction map (Saridis) Saridis and Beard used Galerkin Approx to allow for GHJB solution Converges to optimal solution Gives u(x) in SVFB form

6 For Constrained Controls
NONLINEAR NONQUADRATIC REGULATOR with Nonquadratic form- Lyshevsky PD if u

7 Natural, exact, no approximation New GHJB is
u(t) constrained if f(.) is a saturation function! tanh(p) 1 p -1

8 Iterate: Problem- cannot solve HJB
Solution- Use Successive Approximation on GHJB Iterate: a stabilizing control



11 Problem- Cannot solve GHJB!
Solution- Neural Network to approximate V(i)(x) Select basis set (.) x1 x2 y1 y2 VT WT inputs hidden layer outputs Two-Layer Neural Network with adjustable output weights xn ym 1 2 3 L

12 Cost gradient approximation
Let Nonzero residual! Then GHJB is

13 Neural-network-based nearly optimal saturated control law.

14 To minimize the residual error in a LS sense
Evaluate the GHJB at a number of points on Note, if Then, GHJB is

15 NN Training Set! Evaluating this at N points gives
L x N coefficient matrix Solve by LS NN Training Set!

16 Select the N sample points xk
Uniform Mesh Grid in Random selection- Montecarlo Approximation error is (Barron) Approximation error is Montecarlo overcomes NP-complexity problems!

17 ASIDE- Useful for reducing complexity of fuzzy logic systems? Uniform grid of Separable Gaussian activation functions for RBF NN

18 NN Training Set must be PE

19 Algorithm and Proofs work for any Q(x) in
Constrained input given by CONSTRAINED STATE CONTROL k large and even MINIMUM-TIME CONTROL For small R and this is approx.

20 Example: Linear system

21 Region of asymptotic stability for the initial controller,

22 Region of asymptotic stability
for the nearly optimal controller,

23 Example: Nonlinear oscillator


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