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KS1 Transition Meeting 2017 Mrs Place Mrs King.

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Presentation on theme: "KS1 Transition Meeting 2017 Mrs Place Mrs King."— Presentation transcript:

1 KS1 Transition Meeting 2017 Mrs Place Mrs King

2 Introduction of the National Curriculum.
Carousel lessons or whole class teaching for the first Half Term. Theme lessons in the afternoon. Introduction of full lessons for Mathematics and English.

3 Monday Break Lunch Tuesday Friday 8:40-8:50 Registration
8:50-9:10 Worship 9:15-10:15 Maths 10:15-10:30 Phonics Break 10:45-11:10 Guided Reading 11:10-12 Literacy Lunch 1:15-2:10 PE 2:10-2:20 1/2 Daily Mile Music Tuesday Science Computing Wednesday Geography PE/PSHE Thursday Art DT Friday RE History

4 Homework Reading books will be changed on Monday and Thursday.
Spelling sheets will be set on Monday and will be due back on the following Monday. Handwriting Books will be sent out on Monday as well and also be returned the following Monday. We complete the first page in class and want the children to complete the second page. Mathletics will be set on Friday for the children to complete.

5 Key Information The Children’s PE kits should always be in class. This Half-Term the children will be taught PE on… Monday Wednesday The children will run the ‘Daily Mile’ every day in the afternoon.

6 Other Information… Helpers Phonics Independence Barnaby Bear
Keep it positive!

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