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Implementing a Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

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1 Implementing a Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
Janet Burkhardt Oct 08, 2015

2 Topics To Cover University of Denver Facts Collection Costs Defined
Student Financial Responsibility Agreement NACUBO Advisory What does NACUBO say about the importance of having an agreement in place? Agreement Implementation Process DU Student Financial Services Best Practices

3 DU Facts A Private University dedicated to the Public Good
Founded 1864 – The oldest independent private University in the Rocky Mountain Region DU enrolls approximately 5,600 undergraduates and 6,100 graduates (55 countries represented) Home of the 2015 NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Champions First time the trophy has been west of the Mississippi #1 in the nation in Study Abroad participation

4 What are Collection Costs?
A collection cost is any cost associated with recovering debt on which the debtor (student) has defaulted on his/her obligation to pay This could include fees charged by a collection agency or attorneys

5 Collection Costs Why assess these costs to the student?
Significant cost savings for the school Provides specific consequences to the debtor (student) in the event of a default

6 Requirements to Assess Collection Costs
Contracts with agencies must state collection costs will be assessed Student must acknowledge an agreement to accept full responsibility to pay collection costs

7 Collection Cost Agreement Types
Student Financial Responsibility Agreement Perkins Promissory Note Payment Plan Agreement Institutional Loan Agreement Federal Student Loan Agreement

8 Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
Why does NACUBO recommend use of a comprehensive financial responsibility agreement?!? It is a student service best practice which protects the school, maximizes collections and provides an efficient process It ensures compliance with federal/state laws and regulations such as: FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act Title IV of the Higher Education Act IRS notification requirements Seek advice from your legal department

9 Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
NACUBO Advisory Report March 2015 Utilize an electronic agreement located within the registration process Use an ‘opt-in’ format that incorporates check boxes to agree Opt-out instructions should clearly delineate the consequences of opting-out School should accurately implement/follow terms of the agreement

10 Student Financial Responsibility Agreement Implementation Process
Depends on campus leadership, culture, level of IT support, advice of school’s legal counsel – don’t implement an agreement without approval from legal Review suggestions in the NACUBO Advisory Report Follow State Laws and comply with the Federal E-Sign Act Don’t‘ reinvent the wheel – ask other schools for examples Ensure financial services staff is prepared to respond to student inquiries

11 DU Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
Use of Account Promise to Pay 1098-T Other Fees – Returned Check, Late Payment Collection Agency Fees Notices FDCPA TCPA Rights, Laws

12 DU Student Financial Services Best Practices
As of August 1st, each student must sign Hold registration until agreement is signed Parent/guardians must sign for students under 18 Agreement expires on 18th birthday Students and staff need view access to signed agreements Communicate with partner departments Registrar’s Office Financial Aid Office

13 Questions? Janet Burkhardt University of Denver

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