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ASU-Beebe Freshman English I R. Jared Hogue, MSE

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Presentation on theme: "ASU-Beebe Freshman English I R. Jared Hogue, MSE"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASU-Beebe Freshman English I R. Jared Hogue, MSE http://asuenglish

2 Syllabus Make sure to “mark as reviewed” on BlackBoard by January 30.
Highlights: Contact info Procedures and Expectations Class Website Requirements Accommodations Questions?

3 A little about me… a little about you.
Remember, we are a community of writers!

4 Textbook: Creative Composition Kae Chatman, Dennis Humphrey, and Jodi Whitehurst

5 PART ONE Invention

6 Writer’s Workshop What should I write about? To whom? And why?
What materials can I use? What will move and persuade my readers? How can I even begin to think about what I might write?

7 Why do we write?


9 Process: Prewriting

10 Writing Exercise: Take out a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil. Consider the topic, then list as many thoughts (one word) as you can until time is called. Do not worry about spelling or capitalization…just WRITE. The topic?


12 Once more…

13 “I Remember…”

14 Process: Writing Now Choose One… and WRITE!

15 Peer Review Etiquette

16 Process: * Prewrite * Writing * Revising * Editing * Publishing

17 Questions: What is good about the draft? How could the draft be better?

18 Basic Rule to Remember: STRUCTURE


20 Exercise: Six-Word Stories
“For Sale: Baby shoes, Never used.”

21 For Homework: - Create THREE six-word stories. - Read pp
For Homework: - Create THREE six-word stories. - Read pp in the textbook. - Complete the exercises on pages 10 and 11 in the textbook. Due at the beginning of class next week.

22 Have a great week!

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