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Under the document camera

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1 Under the document camera
Tuesday 12/ Day 1 Science Starters Sheet Agenda 1. Please have these Items on your desk. Notebook 2- Fill out your Agenda. Science Starter: Under the document camera

2 T.O.C Update Page /2 Mass, Volume and Density

3 Update Chemistry Learning Goal
I can explain and identify what matter is and the three states of matter. Learning activity “a”- Use matter notes found on pages 51-55

4 _______ + ______ + _______ = ________ g
Measuring Mass We will be using triple-beam balances to find the mass of various objects. The objects are placed on the scale and then you move the weights on the beams until you get the lines on the right-side of the scale to match up. Once you have balanced the scale, you add up the amounts on each beam to find the total mass. What would be the mass of the object measured in the picture? _______ + ______ + _______ = ________ g Top Image: Bottom Image:

5 Measuring Mass – Triple-Beam Balance
1st – Place the film canister on the scale. 2nd – Slide the large weight to the right until the arm drops below the line. Move the rider back one groove. Make sure it “locks” into place. 3rd – Repeat this process with the top weight. When the arm moves below the line, back it up one groove. 4th – Slide the small weight on the front beam until the lines match up. 5th – Add the amounts on each beam to find the total mass to the nearest tenth of a gram. Click here to try an online activity.

6 Click the image to watch a short video about volume.
Metric Units kL cL mL L Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. The base unit of volume in the metric system in the liter and is represented by L or l. Standard: 1 liter is equal to one cubic decimeter Metric Units 1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL) 1 milliliter (mL) = 1 cm3 (or cc) = 1 gram* Which is larger? Click the image to watch a short video about volume. A. 1 liter or 1500 milliliters B. 200 milliliters or 1.2 liters C. 12 cm3 or 1.2 milliliters* * When referring to water Liter Image:

7 Measuring Volume We will be using graduated cylinders to find the volume of liquids and other objects. Read the measurement based on the bottom of the meniscus or curve. When using a real cylinder, make sure you are eye-level with the level of the water. What is the volume of water in the cylinder? _____mL What causes the meniscus? A concave meniscus occurs when the molecules of the liquid attract those of the container. The glass attracts the water on the sides. Top Image: Bottom Image:

8 Measuring Liquid Volume
What is the volume of water in each cylinder? Images created at A B C Pay attention to the scales for each cylinder.

9 Measuring Solid Volume
10 cm 9 cm 8 cm We can measure the volume of regular object using the formula length x width x height. _____ X _____ X _____ = _____ We can measure the volume of irregular object using water displacement. Amount of H2O with object = ______ About of H2O without object = ______ Difference = Volume = ______ Click here for an online activity about volume. Choose Lessons  Volume & Displacement

10 d m Density v

11 What is density? Density is a comparison of how much matter there is in a certain amount of space.

12 Which one is more dense? Demonstration: People in a square
How about this: Which square is more dense? Box 1 Box 2

13 Which one is more dense? Now which one is more dense? Box 1 Box 2

14 What is density? Density = mass OR mass ÷ volume. volume
Units for density: g cm3 ALWAYS REMEMBER UNITS!

15 Let’s try a density problem together
Frank has a paper clip. It has a mass of 9g and a volume of 3 ml after conducting the water displacement test. What is its density? Frank also has an eraser. It has a mass of 3g, and a volume of 1cm3. What is its density? 9g 3 ml g ml = 3 3g 1 cm³ g cm³ = 3

16 Work on these problems with your neighbor.
Jack has a rock. The rock has a density of 6g/cm and a volume of 3 ml after conducting a water displacement test. What is the mass of the rock? Jill has a gel pen. The gel pen has a mass of 8g and a density of 2 g/cm3 . What is the volume of the rock? g ml 6 * 3ml = 18g 8g 2 g/cm = 4cm

17 Liquid Layers If you pour together liquids that don’t mix and have different densities, they will form liquid layers. The liquid with the highest density will be on the bottom. The liquid with the lowest density will be on the top.

18 Liquid Layers Check out this picture from your book. Which layer has the highest density? Which layer has the lowest density? Imagine that the liquids have the following densities: 10g/cm3. 3g/cm3. 6g/cm3. 5g/cm3. Which number would go with which layer?

19 Liquid Layers – Try with your neighbor
Which liquid has the highest density? Which liquid has the lowest density? Which liquid has the middle density?

20 Super Scientist Question of the Day
Jake has a book, a ruler, and a balance. How can Jake find the density of the book with the tools he has?

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