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Zack and A.C. Sensor Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Zack and A.C. Sensor Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zack and A.C. Sensor Report

2 AM-RTD-315 Transceiver Module
Amplitude Modulation 50 Ω whip antenna Antenna length = λ/4 Half- duplex 10kbps raw data

3 Serial Communication USART1 Rx interrupt Baud rate Parity bit
void USART1_TX(unsigned char DATA_TX) { PORTC = (PORTC & 0xFE); while( !(UCSR1A & (1<<UDRE))) ; UDR1 = DATA_TX; PORTC = (PORTC | 0x01); } USART1 Rx interrupt Baud rate Parity bit 8 data, 1 start and stop bit Rx enable

4 Encoding Manchester less susceptible to noise halves data rate

5 Transceivers, modems, encoders
Source for Parts Abacom Technologies Transceivers, modems, encoders

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