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WESTMINSTER LIONS CLUB Scholarship Application

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1 WESTMINSTER LIONS CLUB Scholarship Application
Name of Applicant _____________________________________Male ____ Female ____ Address___________________________________________ Phone ________________ Graduating from _____________________________ High School or Career & Tech, Ctr. Course of Study __________________________________________________________ Grade Average/Class Standing ______________________________________________ Father's Name________________________________ Occupation _______ How Long __ Mother's Name _______________________________ Occupation _______ How Long __ Number of Dependent Brothers and Sisters __________Church Attended ______________ Family Income: $100,000+ __________ $50,000 - $100,000 ______Under $50,000_______ Extra Curricular Activities _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Community Service and Career Goals ___________________________________________ Name of College You Are Planning to Attend ______________________________________ Applicant's Signature _________________________________________________________ Parent's Signature ___________________________________________________________ Counselor's Signature ________________________________________________________ This completed form should be received by the Westminster Lions Club no later than May 8, 2016 for WHS and WMHS, and December 9, 2016 for first semester CCCTC and May 8, 2017 second semester CCCTC accompanied by the following: 1. A letter setting forth the reason for financial need. 2. College plans and any other information the applicant would consider pertinent. 3. Financial Aid Form (FAF) 4. SAT scores if not shown on school transcript 5. Only completed applications will be considered. All material submitted will be retained by Westminster Lions Club, Please address responses to Westminster Lions Club, c/o Robert Hayes, Chairman of Scholarship Committee, P,O. Box 246, Westminster, Md

The Westminster Lion's Club will be awarding four scholarships to 2017 high school graduates. A $2,000 one year scholarship will be awarded to seniors graduating from both Westminster High School and Winters Mill High School. Two $1,000 one year scholarships will be awarded to senior students from Carroll County Career and Technology Center residing in the and Zip Code. Scholarship applications may be picked up at school guidance offices. Applications for the first semester CCCTC Class must be postmarked by December 9, 2016 and second semester by May 8, 2017. Applications for the high schools must be post marked by May 8, 2016 and mailed to: Westminster Lion's Club Scholarship Committee c/o Robert Hayes, Chairman P.O. Box 246, Westminster, Md

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