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Web Site Architecture Crunch Bakery

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Presentation on theme: "Web Site Architecture Crunch Bakery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Site Architecture Crunch Bakery
Group #1 Nzingah Gross William Hellela Jose Merino 1

2 Contents Web Site Layout Web Site Hierarchy Web site Contents Q&A 2

3 Website Layout There will be three frames
Top frame: this will show the company name and logo. Menu frame: this will have the links to all pages of the website. The menu will be left aligned. Main frame: this will display all the pages according to the user’s choice. 3

4 Website Layout 4

5 Website Hierarchy . 5

6 Website Contents Home - Display …. About
- States the company history and mission statement. Products - Shows the company gallery in pictures (ready to order cakes) - Upon selections, the user will be directed to a form - Contains a link to a form for custom cakes Location - Shows image map - Upon selecting a location, the user will be prompted with the location details (address, phone# and more) & Feedback - The user rates his/her experience by sending us an …….. FAQ - Contains frequently asked questions (links) - Upon selecting, the user will be taken to the answer 6

7 Q & a Questions? 7

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