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Bridge with Harold Schogger © SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNALS.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridge with Harold Schogger © SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNALS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridge with Harold Schogger © SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNALS

2 Bridge with Harold Schogger © REVISION 1.Primary signals should be ATTITUDE where high card encourages and low card discourages 2. Following suit on declarer or dummys play of his/her suit should be COUNT where high card shows even and a low Card shows odd.

3 Bridge with Harold Schogger © If there is no point in giving an encouraging or discouraging signal or giving the count then You may need a SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNAL

4 Bridge with Harold Schogger © You may need to give partner a suit preference signal to :- 1. To tell partner what to play next after he has had his ruff 2. To tell partner what to switch to when there may be a singleton in dummy 3. To tell partner where your entry is so you can give partner a ruff

5 Bridge with Harold Schogger © Suit Preference Signals Basic Premise :- 1. Ignore suit being played 2. Ignore trump suit 3. THIS LEAVES 2 SUITS SO If you play high card you want higher of the 2 remaining suits If you play low card you want lower of the 2 remaining suits

6 Bridge with Harold Schogger © You lead A and then the king because partner peters As he wants a ruff What to play next ? Contract 4 1. Ignore suit being played 2. Ignore trump suit 3. THIS LEAVES 2 SUITS SO If you play high card you want higher of the 2 remaining suits If you play low card you want lower of the 2 remaining suits Ignore Hearts, the trump suit Ignore Spades, the suit your are playing now You want a Diamond back so So play 9 meaningfully to ask for Diamond back where You have Ace as entry to give partner another possible ruff

7 Bridge with Harold Schogger © You lead A and then the king because partner peters As he wants a ruff What to play next ? Contract 4 1. Ignore suit being played 2. Ignore trump suit 3. THIS LEAVES 2 SUITS SO If you play high card you want higher of the 2 remaining suits If you play low card you want lower of the 2 remaining suits Ignore Hearts, the trump suit Ignore Spades, the suit your are playing now You want a Club back now so So play 2 meaningfully to ask for Club back where You have Ace as entry to give partner another possible ruff

8 Bridge with Harold Schogger © 1. Ignore suit being played 2. Ignore trump suit 3. THIS LEAVES 2 SUITS SO If you play high card you want higher of the 2 remaining suits If you play low card you want lower of the 2 remaining suits You can also use it when there is a singleton in dummy and you want an immediate switch The A is played and dummy of course plays the singleton Jack Contract 4 EASTEAST What as East must you now play at trick one and why ? You must play 10 to show you want a Diamond switch with your AQ over dummys King

9 Bridge with Harold Schogger © 1. Ignore suit being played 2. Ignore trump suit 3. THIS LEAVES 2 SUITS SO If you play high card you want higher of the 2 remaining suits If you play low card you want lower of the 2 remaining suits You can also use it when there is a singleton in dummy and you want an immediate switch The A is played and dummy of course plays the singleton Jack Contract 4 EASTEAST What as East must you now play at trick one and why ? You must play 3 to show you want a Club switch with your AQ over dummys King

10 Bridge with Harold Schogger © Your partner leads K and then the Ace which shows a BLATANT DOUBLETON What to follow suit with at trick 2 - Are you Awake? Contract 4 1. Ignore suit being played 2. Ignore trump suit 3. THIS LEAVES 2 SUITS SO If you play high card you want higher of the 2 remaining suits If you play low card you want lower of the 2 remaining suits Ignore Hearts, the trump suit Ignore Spades, the suit your are playing now You want a Diamond back so So play 10 meaningfully to ask for Diamond back where You have Ace as entry to give partner the Spade ruff

11 Bridge with Harold Schogger © Your partner leads K and then the Ace which shows a BLATANT DOUBLETON What to follow suit with at trick 2 - Are you Awake? Contract 4 1. Ignore suit being played 2. Ignore trump suit 3. THIS LEAVES 2 SUITS SO If you play high card you want higher of the 2 remaining suits If you play low card you want lower of the 2 remaining suits Ignore Hearts, the trump suit Ignore Spades, the suit your are playing now You want a Club back so So play 5 meaningfully to ask for Club back where You have Ace as entry to give partner the Spade ruff

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