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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL COORDINATION OFFICERS’ WORKSHOP 5 to 9 September, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of RCO in ensuring inclusiveness and support to Delivering as One Tanzania Experience
REGIONAL COORDINATION OFFICERS’ WORKSHOP 5 to 9 September, 2016 Panari Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

2 Presentation Rationale NRAs in Tanzania DaO Engagement
Opportunities and Challenges Beyond NRAs Coordination

3 Rationale Global level Country level UN General Assembly resolutions
UNDG: Optimal use of expertise of UN agencies not present in the country Country level Govt requests for support Change of national priorities

4 NRAs in Tanzania Presence:
23 UN agencies: 16 Resident and 7 Non Resident Agencies Non Resident Agencies: UNHABITAT;UNEP;UNCTAD;ITC;UNODC;IAEA & OHCHR With officers in the country: UNEP and UNODC Event based presence: e.g. UNWATER, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Engagement: Equal member of the country team: responsibilities and accountability Internal criteria to guide NRAs engagement: Is the UN Agency intending to respond to a specific new and explicit request from the Government for assistance within the UNDAP and DaO priorities; Is the UN Agency a mandated expert (Environment, Trade etc)?

5 DaO Engagement: Represented by the RC at higher level engagements
Implementation of UNDAP through partners Represented by respective TRG leads at UN & DPs technical engagement-where applicable: Recipient of the One Fund: using same allocation criteria RCO communications team and UNIC provides quality communication support Implementing Partners representation on special events: UN exhibitions

6 Inclusive UNCT Branding

7 Opportunities Committed leadership at country level-to DaO
Assigned staff at RCO and Committed RCO staff UNDAP and Web-based platform – RMS Regional hubs with expertise as back-up Comparative advantage- specialized focus with few players e.g. atomic energy for development Raised public awareness: higher demand for their support Changed development landscape-Trade and industrialization

8 Achievements Better understanding, communication and coordination between resident agencies and NRAs; Increased knowledge among participating NRAs of UN country activities; Enhanced and sustained IP’s capacities More inclusive UNCT- added value to UNCT support to national development process

9 Challenges Takes to understand the changing contexts Government &
within UNCT Change of funding landscape

10 Beyond NRAs Coordination
Joint programmes Coordination support: Coordinate the development of joint funding proposals(DRT-F and SDG-F) Joint programme to support Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Nets (PSSN) under Social Protection –SDG-F Joint Programme on Improving enabling environment for women’s and youth employment and economic empowerment -DRT-F Ensure the functionality of UNDAP Teams as per the UNDAP II structure Developing pilot Area-based Programming Initiate sub-national coordination efforts Coordinates the engagement of the UN agencies and the government and DPs- high level

11 Thank you

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