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Native Americans Native Americans is a non-fiction text that gives us information about the past.

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1 Native Americans Native Americans is a non-fiction text that gives us information about the past.

2 Genre: This story is non-fiction.
Non-fiction tests give us information. To prove that this text is non-fiction, tell FACTS you learned in the selection. Write an informational paragraph about this text to share with the class!!

3 Comparing texts on the same topic…
We read our social studies text about America’s past, where we learned lots of information about Native Americans. Later, we read Native Americans, a Readworks passage about the same topic, Native Americans. This week, we are learning to compare and contrast the information in these texts. Write a paragraph which compares these 2 texts for 3 tickets!!

4 Our phonics pattern of the week is the vowel teams of ay and ai
Our phonics pattern of the week is the vowel teams of ay and ai. We usually use ay at the end of words, while ai is used in the middle of words. Remember that with vowel teams, when 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking, so these words will all have the long a sound. ai words tail main wait brain rain paint pair raise ay words say away play stay today tray may

5 Dictionary Skills with Vocabulary of the Week
Look up any of the following words in the dictionary. Records your definition and an illustration of the word on an index card for a ticket!! *resources *shelter *beliefs *tepee

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