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Presentation on theme: "NON-FICTION UNIT 5th Grade"— Presentation transcript:


2 Essential Question #1 How can specific text features help a reader to navigate and understand Non-fiction texts?

3 Talk with your partner. Brainstorm different text features and their purposes (how they help readers)

4 Headings help readers form questions or identify topics
Boldface or italics can signal important vocabulary Graphs & charts provide visual clues to determine important information Maps help locate important places Photos can reveal specific details

5 Specific text features help you:
Read Non-fiction texts more efficiently Focus your reading by providing clues Make predictions Determine important information

6 Essential Question #2 How does knowledge of the structure of a Non-fiction text help a reader to gather information?

7 Talk to your partner Brainstorm 5 main Non-fiction text structures. Discuss how each helps you gather information

8 Compare & Contrast structure helps you identify similarities & differences between two topics
Problem & Solution structure helps you identify challenges, while exploring potential answers. Cause & Effect structure helps you see the relationship between events Sequence structure helps you follow the order of events taking place Main Idea & Details helps you sort information

9 Understanding text structure helps a reader:
Take organized notes Recognize relationships among ideas

10 Essential Question #3 How can knowledge of main ideas and supporting details help a reader to summarize a text?

11 Answer: Summaries are constructed using main ideas and supporting details in a reader’s own words. The main ideas form the outline to build the summary. When summarizing a longer text, the reader identifies the main idea of each section and links them together

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