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In a moment you will enter a magical world. In just a moment...

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Presentation on theme: "In a moment you will enter a magical world. In just a moment..."— Presentation transcript:

1 In a moment you will enter a magical world

2 In just a moment...

3 …You will witness something really strange

4 You will witness...

5 An amazing illusion...

6 … an illusion by Dave Taylor.

7 … although this is a common program…

8 … you will see that I can read your mind through your monitor.

9 You can see 6 different cards. Think on one. Just think on it. Do not touch it Do not click on I will find the card on your mind

10 Now look straight into my eyes and think on your card...

11 I do not know you, I could not see the card you have chosen… …but I know exactly the card that is on your mind...

12 ¡Look! ¡¡Your card is gone!!

13 ¿Surprised?

14 ¡See you! BACK

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