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Goal: Promote Online-Collaboration Tools in Education:

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Presentation on theme: "Goal: Promote Online-Collaboration Tools in Education:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal: Promote Online-Collaboration Tools in Education: What are online collaboration tools: skype or hangouts, Google Docs or Ether Pad, Online-Mind Mapping and Doodle The developed course shows how to use the tools, how they can be implemented in school Development of a training for teachers on basis of the ECDL syllabus. Implementation of a blended learning course in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany. Recognition and exploitation of the training. Target group: Teachers of all school forms. TEAC16 OCT 6-8 GHENT

2 About Online4EDU

3 Social Impact We have trained 130 teachers in the four countries
We had pre trainings and post training questionnaires in which the participants stated their confidence in using online collaboration tools Participants state that they are after more confident in using online collaboration tools and use them therefore more often. Social Impact

4 The social impact: Social Impact
Better confidence in using online collaborations tools resulted also in a higher frequency of using them in schools lessons or for their preperation. In the project countries we want to ensure that the training will be offered after the funding of the project ends: The ECDL test centres / partner organisations are able to offer the course / in Germany the cours ewill be implemented by SDC in collaboration with the German ECDL test centre. Social Impact

5 The Online4EDU Blended Learning Course
Face-to-face initial meeting Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Face-to-face final meeting and exam Online collaboration Pre-training survey After training survey 1 Online Workshop 1 Online Workshop In order to explain what worked good in the project and what we would like to improve, I am going to show first the centre of the project: the blended learning course. What is blue that are the two face-to-face trainings at the beginning and at the end. We had three modules of online-learning which are as well three month. Durinh this time we had two Online-Workshops where the participants and the trainers met over skype or some other online conference tool. During the whole time the participants were forced to work together online in groups in order to pass the assignments. Lessons learned

6 Lessons learned: Improvements
The Online4EDU Blended Learning Course Face-to-face initial meeting Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Face-to-face final meeting and exam Online collaboration Pre-training survey After training survey 1 Online Workshop 1 Online Workshop Improvements regarding the training: We have learned three lessons! Adjusting statement that we give before the course about needed weekly time to go through the assignment. Because people need the time according to their skill level, Instead two online workshops, offer four online workshops. Show participants the type of questions before the ECDL test. Lessons learned: Improvements

7 Lessons learned: Good Practice
What would be keep the same? Blended learning concept - Face-to-Face trainings are important for motivation Have a whole training cycle: pre and post questionnaires, skills assessment test, trainings, and certification Supervision by trainers during the online course Grouping of the participants Mix the teachers from different schools and different subjects so that they have to work together Lessons learned: Good Practice

8 Lessons learned: Good Practice

9 Lessons learned: Conclusion
«When the training started, I quickly realized that the provided tools not only allow "legally” use phones and tablets during the lessons, but also promote cooperation skills. The project inspired me and encouraged to change!» Sintija Pūce, Latvia Quotes «I used the assignments of the course directly to transfer prepared material for lessons to the school computer without any hardware. Without the course I could not have done that.» Barbara Pietzonka, Germany What have we learned? Topic is highly relevant Teachers are interested in learning about digital media The confidence in using digital media influences the frequency of using them in lessons. Lessons learned: Conclusion

10 Information, Guidelines and Curriculum at
Write to And talk with us here  The course can be transfered to other countries. The curriculum and the learning material have a CC lience and can be localised to other contexts and other countries. Contact

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