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Erosion and Deposition

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1 Erosion and Deposition
6th Grade Earth Science October 2017

2 What is Erosion? Write on the back of foldable Erosion is the movement of sediment by wind, ice, water, or gravity.

3 Write on the back of foldable
What is Deposition? Write on the back of foldable The dropping of sediment out of the wind, water, ice, or gravity and settling in a new place.

4 Gravity Erosion Sediment falls

5 Gravity Erosion Angle of Repose is the steepest angle at which a sloping surface formed of a particular loose material is stable.

6 gravity moves material down a slope
Gravity Deposition Mass Movement gravity moves material down a slope Landslide – the sudden movement of rock and soil down a slope Creep – the slow downhill movement of weathered rock material Slump –a block of material moves downslope

Gravity Deposition Mudflow – the flow of a mass of mud or rock and soil mixed with a large amount of water Avalanche – a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.

8 What type of mass movement is each picture?
LANDSLIDE MUDFLOW 2 1 What type of mass movement is each picture? CREEP SLUMP 4 3

9 Ice (glaciers) move and carry sediment.
Ice Erosion Ice (glaciers) move and carry sediment.

10 Ice Deposition Moraine - Moraine is material transported by a glacier and then deposited. 

11 Ice Deposition Kettle Lakes – Kettles are depressions left behind after partially-buried ice blocks melt. Many are filled with water, and are then called "kettle lakes".

12 Ice Deposition Kettle Lakes –

13 Ice Deposition Kettle Lakes –

14 Wind moves sediment after it is weathered.
Wind Erosion Wind moves sediment after it is weathered.

15 Wind Deposition Sand Dunes – mounds of wind deposited sand. Move in direction of wind.

16 Wind Deposition Loess – very fertile sediments of Quartz, Felspar, Mica, and clay deposited by the wind


18 Water Erosion Water (rivers, oceans, rain, etc.) washes sediment after being weathered


20 Water Deposition Deltas – slow river current drops sediment in fan-shaped pattern at end of river Sand Bars – offshore deposit of sand, gravel, or shell material Alluvial Fans – fan-shaped mass of material deposited by a stream with a steep incline; created by run-off Beaches – deposited sand

21 Delta

22 Sand Bar

23 Alluvial Fan

24 Beaches


26 What did water create in each of these pictures?
5 2 3 1 2 SANDBAR DELTA BEACH 1 4 4 6 4 ALLUVIAL FAN What did water create in each of these pictures?

27 Erosion and Deposition Exit Ticket
List one agent / cause of Erosion and one way it changes the Earth. List a second agent / cause of erosion and one way it changes the Earth.

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