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Why the CDC Scorecard Validated tool that is updated regularly to stay in line with workplace wellness best practices. It gives employers a snap shot of.

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Presentation on theme: "Why the CDC Scorecard Validated tool that is updated regularly to stay in line with workplace wellness best practices. It gives employers a snap shot of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why the CDC Scorecard Validated tool that is updated regularly to stay in line with workplace wellness best practices. It gives employers a snap shot of how they are doing with the implementation of a comprehensive workplace wellness program. It assists employers in identifying gaps in their programs. The scorecard is web based so results are immediate. Employers are able to compare progress from year to year. Other SHIP grantees are using the tool which allows the Minnesota Department of Health to demonstarate the progresss and effectiveness of worksite wellness initaitves throughout the state Each question has a point value that reflects: The level of impact that the strategy has on the intended health behaviors or outcomes The strength of the scientific evidence supporting that impact We are using the CDC ScoreCard as our assessment tool because it is validated and updated regularly to stay in line with best practices. The employer has control over their own scorecard with immediate results they can use to determine what strategies they want to work on with SHIP and beyond. Employers able to do year to year comparisons to see growth in their program. Each question has a point value the reflects the level of impact the strategy has and the strength of scientific evidence supporting that impact. 12/5/2018

2 What You Will Need Before you get started, you will need the following information to create your free account profile. The following is required information: Designated staff that will serve as the account administrator (called an employer administrator or EA). There is no limit on the number of staff you can add to the account. – Please note you must list your local public health workplace wellness contact as one of the employer administrators (EA) Employer demographics Employer name and contact information. NOTE: add “SHIP” to your employer name so that you can added to the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership group Business type and industry type Number of employees and number eligible for health programs Information about the current support of workplace wellness Health programs currently offered to employees Health insurance coverage 12/5/2018

3 Other Information Needed
The following information is optional, but it is highly recommended to get the most accurate picture of your workplace: Gender (aggregate) Age range and average age (aggregate) Education level (aggregate) Race and ethnicity (aggregate) Importance placed on maintaining workplace health promotion at your workplace Financial investment made by your workplace for workplace health promotion Types of incentives offered (if any) Types of health programs offered If you do not have the aggregate information readily available, please feel free to estimate as best you can or leave blank. Some of the information in the scorecard is optional so if you don’t know or don’t want to answer, that is fine. Answering the optional questions is the best way to get the most accurate information about your workplace, but it should not be a barrier to filling out the scorecard. 12/5/2018

4 Creating Your Scorecard Account
Select the “Worksite Health ScoreCard” link in the black box Select the “New User” button Select the “Get Started” button Select “No I do not have an employer ID” button and press “continue” Log on to Complete the employer profile Add an employer administrator(s) from your workplace Add your local public health representative as an account administrator: Pam Bagley , After you register select the “Register Employer” button. A pop up window will confirm the account has been set up. The account log in will be displayed on this window and an auto generated will be sent to the account administrators with your log in credentials. Answer “Yes” to register a new employer When listing your employer name add SHIP at the end. For example, “ABC Company SHIP” Select the “Register a New Worksite” button to add your worksite to your account from the employer dashboard (You must do this step before you are able to fill out the scorecard) Add your worksite The following steps walk you through creating the scorecard account. The process may look daunting, but you only need to create your account one time. After the account is created you can update it accordingly (in case of new account administrator or worksite contact for example) You MUST add your SHIP contact person as an account administrator AND add SHIP to the end of your company name.

5 Registering Your Workplace
You can register one main worksite or multiple worksites: Employer account Worksite A Worksite B Worksite C Employer Account Main Worksite You must register a worksite. You can register one main worksite or, if you have several worksites that operate their wellness programs differently, you can add several worksites to your account. 12/5/2018

6 Registering Your Workplace Continued
If multiple sites are being entered and it is preferred, the account administrator may review the scorecards from each site before they can be submitted for scoring, select “Yes” to the question: “Will employer administrators review and submit Worksite Health Scorecard to CDC?” It is recommended that a team member be added to the worksite(s). Once the worksite has been registered, the scorecard can be completed. The scorecard does not need to be completed all at once. You may save your work and return to it later. Always remember to SAVE your progress prior to exiting your account. Multiple users can work on different sections of the scorecard at the same time. 12/5/2018

7 Confirmation 12/5/2018

8 CDC Scorecard FAQ Why do I need to add SHIP to the name of my workplace when registering? Adding SHIP allows the CDC to compile aggregate results for all workplaces in the state working with SHIP. The compiled data will be given to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). If MDH receives data from the CDC, does that mean they can see my workplace’s scorecard? MDH will be given de-identified data meaning they will not be able to see the name, location, or points of contact of each workplace. Why do I have to add my local public health workplace representative as an account administrator? Adding your representative as an administrator will let that person to assist you in completing your scorecard. The workplace representative can go over the results with you and provide guidance on how to move foreword (e.g., using the scorecard action planning tools). Why do I have to answer the sections of the scorecard that don’t apply to the work my workplace does with SHIP SHIP is a launching pad for a comprehensive program. Answering all areas of the scorecard can give your workplace committee ideas on where to go after your work with SHIP is done. 12/5/2018

9 Scorecard FAQ Will I see my results immediately?
Yes, once you submit your scorecard, you will see your results in the form of a report that will benchmark you against other similar businesses. How often can I fill out the scorecard? You can fill the scorecard out once per year. You will receive automatic reminders when it is time again to fill out the scorecard. The scorecard report will give you year to year comparisons every year it is filled out. What happens if I need to change the account administrator for my organization? You can change, or add an account administrator at any time. Once you do so, an automated will go out to each person listed on the account notifying them of the change and provide log in credentials to your new administrators. For more information, please use the CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard Online System User Guide and video tutorials: 12/5/2018

10 ScoreCard Results and Planning
The results can help you determine: What are the areas of opportunity in your organization Where your leadership and wellness committee interests lie Where your organization can pick up an instant win Strategic planning Take a comprehensive approach Look for continuous improvement Initiate and support well managed work with your committee and other key partners The results of the scorecard can give you a starting point for planning. These three questions can help you determine what strategy to start with. It’s helpful to choose a strategy that can be visible and is important to the most parties – leadership, employees and committee. Some employers choose to work on something they have partially done, such as a lactation room that needs a policy and more awareness. If it’s a good time of year to walk outside, choosing walking can be a great first step – working on a policy for walking meetings, mapping routes, and launching at a time that has high visibility and interest.

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