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David Livingstone: Africa’s Trailblazer

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1 David Livingstone: Africa’s Trailblazer
Daily Oral Language Week 3

2 Sentence 1 Use the correct abbreviations for the underlined words.
have you ever drove on the mount saint helens expressway. we drove on it to the mountain county police department

3 Sentence 2 Use the correct abbreviations for the underlined words.
we need a ¼ horsepower motor that is 24.5 inches tall and 13.5 inches wide. please mail this information to the acme garage door company

4 Sentence 3 Use the correct abbreviations for the underlined words.
did you no that you can visit the national aeronautics and space administration in florida texas and kansas the aeronautics parkway in hutchinson kansas was closed for construction

5 Sentence 4 have you finished reading david livingstone africas trailblazer. Im at the chapter along the zambezi river

6 Sentence 5 last month i read the book mary slessor, missionary lady. did you sea the article jungle ma in the center city post

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