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Irrigation and simple flood control Organized government

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1 Irrigation and simple flood control Organized government
The Shang Invaded the Xia c B.C. Irrigation and simple flood control Organized government China’s (official) first dynasty Urged Xia people to abandon their kings and join the Shang: “I would have stand by my side… to bring upon him [the Xia leader] Heaven’s punishment. I will greatly reward you. Do not ye disbelieve me. I do not eat my words. If you do not follow the words of this vow, I will slay you and all your offspring and none will be forgiven.”

2 Review On what river did Chinese civilization emerge?
Who was the “first” dynasty in China? The process of dynasties rising and declining in power is known as....? What is the “Mandate of Heaven”? Who was the famous ruler of the “first” dynasty?

3 Government Extended over 40,000 sq. miles Strong military
Capital moved several times Strong military Chariots and bronze weapons

4 Economy based on agriculture

5 Astronomy Developed TWO calendars Solar & Lunar
Each lunar month starts with a new moon – lasts 29 days 12 month, 365 days – additional days when needed Priest-astronomers became extremely important

6 Religion Combined ancestor worship with animism
Belief that spirits inhabit everything Shangdi – god who controlled the forces of nature and human destiny DRAGONS ORACLE BONES

7 Review Discussion 1. What dynasty took over after the Xia?
2. Why was their military so strong? 3. What is their economy based on? 4. How did they develop their calendar(s)? 5. What is animism?

8 Writing Developed a written language Scribes were highly important
Managed to develop one that worked for all dialects Scribes were highly important

9 Fall of the Shang 1200s-1100s – suffered from incursions by western herders Continuous war Weakened the state c BC Overthrown by the Zhou Justified with “Mandate of Heaven” Shang were “corrupt and unfit to rule”

10 Zhou Dynasty Timeline!! 1. Zhou Dynasty 5. Autumn Period
Create a timeline including all items. Be sure to include a start and end date for each event/person. For the Emperors, be sure to include a major achievement/contribution from their reign. 1. Zhou Dynasty 2. Western Zhou 3. Eastern Zhou 4. Spring Period 5. Autumn Period 6. Confucius/Kongzi 7. Warring States Period 8. Capitals Founded: Haojing & Luoyang 9. Emperors: King Wu, King Yu, King Ping, King Nan ***Be sure to include a date for the start and a date for the end of the Zhou Dynasty – Include at least 3 images/symbols***


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