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Welcome to WebCheckINN!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to WebCheckINN!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to WebCheckINN!
WebCheckINN is the simple, fast method for your hotel to bill Corporate Lodging Consultants for hotel rooms used. You’ll save time and money by adopting WebCheckINN for your hotel. All that is required is a computer, an internet connection, and a card reader to swipe the CheckINN cards. Manual Billing Process Customer presents CheckINN card. Hotel makes imprint of the CheckINN card on a voucher. Customer(guest) signs the voucher at check-in. Customer(guest) signs the voucher at checkout. Hotel must assemble all signed vouchers and any other supporting documents. Hotel must mail in vouchers and other material. WebCheckINN Billing Process Swipe CheckINN card. Enter Room # & Folio #. Checkout – Enter date & Time. Settle stays. That’s it!! WebCheckINN Advantages More CLC Business. Most CLC customers prefer hotels that bill electronically. No transaction fees. With QuickPay enrollment, 2 business day electronic payment. 10-30 day faster payment. Better collection: Real time guest & rate authorization. Elimination of time spent doing invoice preparation and mailing. Nothing to mail = No postage and other associated expenses.

2 WebCheckINN: Simple, effective, and powerful
WebCheckINN: Simple, effective, and powerful. The screen above is where you’ll login to enter stays and perform other functions in WebCheckINN. The address is To use Web CheckINN you’ll need to create a user account. To do so, please click on the ‘Need an account?’ link from your browser.

3 WebCheckINN: Easy to use
WebCheckINN: Easy to use. The screen above appears after you login successfully. All stays are recorded in your hotel’s time zone and with the particular desk clerk that was on duty at the time of check-in. If everything is in order, click on the ‘OK’ button.

4 WebCheckINN: Paperless, painless transactions
WebCheckINN: Paperless, painless transactions. You are now ready to begin entering stays! Simply swipe the guest’s CheckINN card through your card reader.

5 WebCheckINN: Check-in is a breeze
WebCheckINN: Check-in is a breeze. After swiping the guest’s CheckINN card all you’ll need to do is enter the Folio #, Room #, and click the ‘Next’ button. Clean, simple, and efficient. All customer information about the guest appears to the left.

6 WebCheckINN: Quick and Efficient
WebCheckINN: Quick and Efficient. As you can see, that was all there was to it: Folio #, Room #, and ‘Next’. The guest has been checked in and you are now ready to swipe the next CheckINN card.

7 WebCheckINN: Information at your fingertips
WebCheckINN: Information at your fingertips. WebCheckINN displays all of the guest’s at your property in either a checked in section or a checked out section. There are a number of one-click options to check out, to cancel, and to edit a guest.

8 WebCheckINN: No fuss checking out
WebCheckINN: No fuss checking out. Checking a guest out is as simple as Enter the checkout date, checkout time, and the number of nights. Presto! Simple, easy, and convenient.

9 WebCheckINN: Clear status messaging
WebCheckINN: Clear status messaging. The status of all guest actions (checkout, cancel, and edit) is indicated at the top of the page underneath the legend in bold black characters. In this instance, Bill H. Murphy has just been successfully checked out of room 80. Real time, real results, that’s WebCheckINN.

10 WebCheckINN: Paperless invoicing. Tired of invoicing. No problem
WebCheckINN: Paperless invoicing. Tired of invoicing? No problem. WebCheckINN takes care of this task for you with one click. The entire listing of stays is presented on screen for verification and review before sending to Corporate Lodging Consultants. That’s one-click invoicing(settlement).

11 WebCheckINN: Utterly searchable
WebCheckINN: Utterly searchable. With WebCheckINN, you no longer have to hunt for invoices in a file cabinet. One click and the entire invoice(settlement) is displayed on screen for your inspection. Simply choose the invoice you are looking for and click on the date. No sweat.

12 WebCheckINN: Details past and present
WebCheckINN: Details past and present. The settlement inquiry screen above illustrates one of the most powerful features of WebCheckINN: The ability to inquire 24/7. You can inquire about the number of guests checked in on the current date, view past settlements(invoices), and the status of all currently in house guests.

13 Ready. Set. Go! To create an account, please point your web browser to

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