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Pertemuan 24 Materi : Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi :

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1 Pertemuan 24 Materi : Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi :
Understanding e-Business Design and e- Blueprint Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi : Kalakota, Ravi & Marcia Robinson (2001). e- Business 2.0. Roadmap for Success. Addison- Wesley. Bab 13

2 Formulation to Planning

3 e-blueprint planning becomes more important and difficult :
Without an e-business blueprint, technology investments are not often linked to a definable e-strategy. The business risk increases, as poor investment decisions can be costly and detrimental to an organizations competitive position. The strategic use of technology, the widening scope and complexity of decision making, and the speed of innovation make it difficult for organizations to make technology-related decisions effectively. The successful analysis and implementation of technology projects that meet stated objectives is rare. Failure, on the other hand, can be devastating. Greater technical complexity and the proliferation of vendors offering a variety of solutions have made understanding emerging technology, and anticipating its impact, more challenging.

4 Approaches to e-Blueprint Planning

5 Translation Strategy into Action

6 The Roadmap to e-Blueprint Planning

7 Roadmap to an e-Business Architecture

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