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Account Creation Process

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1 Account Creation Process
(An ACP Project Status Update)

2 ACP Benefits Improves the onboarding experience for new users by:
aggregating initial account creation for as many accounts as possible in a single user interaction experience providing a central point for initial provisioning of service authorizations & agreements

3 ACP Benefits Creates a user experience that is easy to follow by:
improving the usability of password creation by improving workflows for certain populations such as newly admitted students who have guest applicant accounts transitioning to a full Virginia Tech electronic identity

4 ACP Benefits Updates and improves account management and ongoing provisioning of services experience in Account Manager by including messaging for new users by including capability for provisioning additional services for eligible users by creating a more consistent user experience within the ACP onboarding web application and Account Manager.

5 Areas of Analysis and Scope
Technical Accelerations (paying back technical debt) PID, HOKIES, Network, and Google Accounts Authentication/2-Factor Account Recovery User agreements (Sensitive Data and AUP)

6 ACP Delivered Features
G-Suite for Education (gmail and other Google web applications) will be moved under the Login service, enabling entry with a VT Username and PID password.

7 ACP Delivered Features
G-Suite for Education (gmail and other Google web applications) will be moved under the Login service, enabling entry with a VT Username and PID password. VT Username (think PID, Hokies, and eduroam) for new users will go from a maximum of 8 characters to a maximum of 16 characters. Existing users will not be affected and are not eligible.

8 ACP Delivered Features
Newly created PID password and Hokies password will be initialized to a common password. After onboarding, users will continue to have the ability to make the PID password and Hokies password different.

9 ACP Delivered Features
Newly created PID password and Hokies password will be initialized to a common password. After onboarding, users will continue to have the ability to make the PID password and Hokies password different. New network passwords will be automatically generated and accessible in Account Manager ( Existing network passwords will continue to work until the user generates a new password.

10 ACP Delivered Features
Password creation rules will shift to a new model that encourages longer pass PHRASES, ideally 20 characters or longer.

11 Targeted Delivery Date: January 29th, 2018

12 Targeted Delivery Date: January 29th, 2018 Project Team →
Questions? Project Team →

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