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Alberta, Canada By Michael Sprinkle.

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Presentation on theme: "Alberta, Canada By Michael Sprinkle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alberta, Canada By Michael Sprinkle

2 Sites to see The national parks The city of Edmonton
The home town where Nickelback was born

3 Costs of tickits Tickits cost $952 for three people to go there and back

4 Traveling buddies I would take noah sharp and austin cox

5 schedule Mon. check into the hotel Tue. Visit jasper national park
Wed. shop for souvenirs at a gift shop Thurs. go to the small town of Hanna and see the high school where Nickelback was born Fri. pack up and leave

6 Hotel cost The cost will be $1,280 for 3 people for 5 days.

7 How to dress up I would dress casual

8 budget The amount I need is $2232


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