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Master the Maintenance Programs

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1 Master the Maintenance Programs
With Dr. Todd Singleton & Nanette Pututau

2 The Struggle with Long-Term Weight Loss!
A recent study showed that 97% of dieters regain everything they lost and then some within three years. Most people have successfully lost weight at some point in their lives.  However, people's success at maintaining that weight loss is another story.  When you look at clinical trials of long-term weight loss maintenance, the numbers don't look so good.  Approximately 10-20% of people are able to maintain a weight loss of at least 5% after 5 years.  The results of other research also look grim; five years after completing structured weight loss programs, people only maintain a 3% weight loss. Reference:

3 Let’s Beat the Odds! Some of your patients that you put on big programs like the 5 Week Candida or the 12 Week Candida might not be able to loose all of their weight by the end of their program. That’s ok! That is where you come in again, save the day and reassure the patient that you are there for them every step of the way! Let’s beat the odds and not have any of your patients be the 97% of people gaining their weight back after they loose it! We have a system that WORKS!

4 The Maintenance Worked for ME!

5 The 3 Club Reduce Maintenance Programs

6 The Programs 6 Month Maintenance - $697.00
All of our Maintenance Programs are editable on Club Reduce. You decide what you would like to offer for a Maintenance Program or keep it the same as the ones we provide. You also can change the price or keep it the same. Catering to the patient is best. If they like a treatment more than others, give them more of those in their Maintenance Program. 6 Month Maintenance - $697.00 Basic Maintenance - $1,200.00 Platinum Maintenance - $2,197.00

7 The Manual Like most other programs we offer, Club Reduce provides a Maintenance Program Manual. This Manual will last your patient 1 month. If your patient is doing a 12 month Maintenance Program you can either provide more Manuals for them, or have the patient make copies of their Daily Checklist. The Manual provides, Daily Checklist (for 1 month) recipes, information on supplements, FAQ, information on what foods to eat and avoid, how to read labels and check ingredients, a calorie counter and much more! This Manual is key to have for them as they continue their weight loss or health process. Tracking progress matters!

8 Enhanced Maintenance Brochure
We also have provided an amazing Maintenance brochure that you should use when selling your patients on a Maintenance program. It gives patients the top “10 Tools for Weight Maintenance” Make sure to have this in your coaching office so that your coach can give this brochure to help with selling the program. It is an amazing done for you tool that helps patients see what they can receive and get at a glance. This is also something you can customize to do whatever you offer in your office. “At Club Reduce, we combined the tools so you won’t ever fall into the trap of gaining your weight back! These 10 amazing tools work synergistically together to ensure you keep your weight off, maintain your high energy level, and have the health and vitality you desire!”



11 When To Talk About Maintenance Programs
You want to bring up the Maintenance Program about 2-3 weeks before your patient ends their program. But it is also a great thing to mention at the beginning of their program we well. This way it gets the patients thinking about it and knowing that if they don’t get to their goal weight on their first program, you will still be able to help them. When you do bring up this program before the end of their first program that is when you want to give them the brochure and one of the 3 Maintenance Program options: 6 Month Basic Platinum Get them excited again about how they can continue doing the treatments they love but at half the cost!

12 Learn and Lose Classes Another great option you have to give your maintenance patients is our weekly Learn and Lose classes online. Set them up on your Club Reduce site. Each week they get… A PowerPoint/lesson where they learn about new tips and tools to continue to help them. Homework to help remind them of their goals and to keep them accountable and motivated Audio/SMT session they can listen to online.

13 Selling the Maintenance Program
This really is the easiest thing to sell! Your wellness coach has developed a strong bond with your patient coming in every week that your patient trusts your coach. The treatments sell themselves. The patient will want to continue just because of that! They also get a monthly amount to use towards product (if your office keeps that). They will continue to have someone hold them accountable for what they eat. When your patient knows that they will be coming in every week, and your coach will check their progress and daily food checklist, they will be a lot less likely to eat whatever they want and gain their weight back.

14 If They Don’t Buy a Maintenance Program…
Make sure they are set up on your Club Reduce site to purchase product online. Have your patients do the Learn and Loose on the Club Reduce website to help keep them accountable It is up to you in your office if you want to charge them a monthly fee to use your Club Reduce website. Schedule them in a month to come back into your office, meet with your coach, re-evaluate how they have done on their own, then hopefully sell them on a Maintenance Program. This way they can experience trying to maintain on their own and if they aren’t to their goal weight they will want to continue with your clinic and do a Maintenance Program. Always make sure they leave your office with Product!

15 Products To Recommend Daily Essential Shake
You should recommend your patients to always replace at least one meal a day with the Solutions4 Shake and one pack of the Daily Essentials a day. Additional Detox Kit Quick Start Kits Anti-Cellulite Lotion Exercise Gel

16 If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail
That which you focus on improves, you’ve worked hard on your body and it will take daily focus, weekly focus, monthly focus and quarterly focus to maintain what you’ve done. We have a plan for you to maintain your weight for the rest of your life and be able to have the energy and health you deserve!

17 We are Here to Help You! Any Questions? Dr. Todd Singleton Cell # Nanette Pututau Office #

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