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Ryan Kelley and Justin Johnson

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1 Ryan Kelley and Justin Johnson

2 Slang Names The medical name for LSD is Lysergi Acid Diethylmide however it is not used for any medical treatment within the United States. Street names of LSD reported by the DEA include : Acid, Blotter Acid, Dots, Mellow Yellow, Window Pane The most common name for LSD is acid.

3 Uses/Labels Currently, there are no medical uses for LSD within the United States LSD is used for the primary purpose of causing the user to hallucinate, making it a hallucinogenic drug. LSD is taken orally by means of thin pieces of paper with LSD absorbed into it, tablets, or pills LSD is an illegal drug in any case of possesion as it serves no medical purpose. LSD is extremely potent and can hallucinations can occur just after one dose or piece of tissue paper. LSD is a synthetic drug.

4 Interactions with brain
LSD is a non-addictive in the sense that it does not produce compulsive drug-seeking behaviors, but the users are able to experience hallucinations following consumption. LSD’s primary areas of action are along the spinal cord. It works by acting with the nerve cells and the chemical Seratonin, a neurotransmitter.

5 Short Term Effects According to, short term effects caused by the consumption of LSD are, “Rapid emotional swings; distortion of a person’s ability to recognize reality, think rationally, or communicate with others; raised blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature; dizziness and insomnia; loss of appetite; dry mouth; sweating; numbness; weakness; tremors; enlarged pupils”.

6 Long Term Effects The long term effects as stated by are “ongoing visual disturbances, disorganized thinking, paranoia, and mood swings.

7 Long Term Effects The most common result of LSD consumption is HPPD’s or Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder This means that there is a possibility for the effects of LSD to be prevalent months after LSD use. By altering the perception of the user, they will begin to believe in their reality and be a danger to society.

8 Negative externalities on society
LSD has a negative impact on society as it has proved hazardous for people to walk around while hallucinating in the streets or driving a car. The use of LSD endangers the user as well as the people within the vicinity of the user.

9 Stranger Things and Operation MKUltra
Stranger Things follows a a group of kids as a string of strange events occur belived to have related from a CIA lab This references Project MKUltra conducted by the CIA in the 70’s where they would give human test subjects high doses of LSD in hopes of controlling their mind. This project was later disbanded after controversy arose around a large number of LSD suicides.

10 MLA Citations "DEA Drugs Fact Sheet." DEA / Drug Fact Sheets. DEA, n.d. Web. 27 Nov Abuse, National Institute on Drug. "Commonly Abused Drugs Charts." NIDA. N.p., 25 July Web. 27 Nov

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