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Welcome to Middle School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Middle School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Middle School
Mr. Jeremy Tubb Website:

2 Today’s schedule Home room 8:30 - 10:30 (school tour at 9:35)
10: :00 – Block 1 (that is still here) 11: :30 – Healthy Living (we are at the track) 11: :57 - Lunch 12: :35 – Block 2 12:38 - 1: Block 3 1:11 - 2:07 – Homeroom (continue with procedures, student questions, ice breakers) (be ready to go home) 2:07 - 3:25 – Electives

3 Roster and Attendance Hopefully you are in the correct place.
You are my homeroom class, we will usually have the first class of the day together and we will go to lunch and healthy living together. How are you getting home?? Bus numbers#

4 Teacher introduction (Website all about me)
Mr. Tubb who is Married to Monika Dog (Gilligan) One cat named (Ginger) 13th year teaching (12 at SCMS) Science/Math Masters Degree two years ago. (Principal) Loves Science and Technology. My son will be 2 years old this December.

5 Names, Names, so many Names.
Please place your name and class that you have Mr. Tubb with a sharpie on both sides of the popsicle stick. When you are done, discuss what you think they are for.’ Examples: John Smith A1, Kelly Lindsay A2, Eric Ralston A3 David Thomas B1, Mel Mickelson B2, Luke Hendrix B3 As I collect them students state their name and either one fact that they other students don’t know or how they spend their first and last day of summer. Then, have students volunteer to draw 10 sticks and put a face with the name on the stick

6 Student Introductions
Use the whiteboards to display things about you. Name? Elementary you came from? What did you do over the summer? What do you like to do with free time? Anything else you would like to share... (Individually, then partner, then table.)

7 Schedules, Schedules, Schedules
Let me help you. You will look at your schedule and I will use the document camera to reveiw and example.


9 What makes a great classroom?
Use the white boards: 1. Record your own ideas. (2 minutes). 2. Share your ideas with your neighbor 1 min 3. Share your ideas with your table (30 seconds each = 2 minutes) 4. Spokes person will share table’s ideas.

10 Behavior Management Plan
You have a copy and will follow it 100%. Showing Kindness and Support for others is paramount to our success.

11 My Classroom Pet Peeves
Poking to get attention which also means: Blurting out in class. There are approapriate ways to show that you need help. Touching things that do not belong to you Not being kind or working with your group

12 Lots of things to know!! There will be a quiz...sort of.
We will make sure you don’t get lost. We will help with your locker You will have people to sit with and be with during healthy living. Everyone here wants you to have an amazing year. You can ask any adult for help any time.

13 What to do when you first arrive
Check the whiteboard in the hall or classroom (A day or B day. Put away binders and other materials in lockers Bring proper materials to class. If you bring a lunch you will store it in the gray bins in the classroom. Sharpen your pencils and be ready to learn. Do assigned warm up activity

14 Book Bags Book bags do not come to class. That is a locker thing. You will get chromebook bags to carry your computers. The chromebook bag will be stored on the ends of your tables. I will show you how when you get them.

15 Supplies

16 Lockers Locker times 8:15 - 8:28 Everyone
After first block top lockers only After second block bottom lockers only Pack everything up after Academic Enrichment. opening your locker

17 What about food! You will not be able to eat any food in the classrooms. (Unless you have a medical reason, which will be approved by a doctor.) You can have a water bottle in class but it cannot be at your table. It must be placed on the side of the room (I will show you were) and it must be labeled with your name on it.

18 Lunch We will walk to lunch quietly in a single file line
Our class has an assigned lunch table You can bring or buy Lunch is 30 minutes You must stay in your seat during your 30 minute lunch You will be dismissed by an administrator.

19 L u n c h

20 Healthy Living Tame... If you want to spend more
time out there, behave in the cafeteria. Your homeroom will have a Particular assigned place each week. You will be able to: Play basketball, knockout, four square, taps, walk with friends, but you need to keep moving.

21 Fire Drills etc There will be a fire drill each
month. We will turn Right out of this classroom and head down to the baseball field on the left quietly and in a line. (Let’s try it..)

22 Dress Code We will look at the specifics. A copy can be found in your agenda. Turn to it now so we can make sure you get it.

23 Teaming Building Activity
Pyramid Cup Challenge -Work with your team to create a pyramid with the red solo cups. -You can only use the materials from your blue tray. -You cannot touch the cut with anything but the materials I have provided.

24 Day 2 Schedule: 8:30 – 10:30 Continue w/classroom rules and procedures
9:40 – 10:10 Locker time 10:33 – 11:00 Block 1 11:05 – 11:30 Healthy Living Time (Track) 11:32 – 11:57 Lunch 12:05 – 12:40 Block 2 12:43 – 1:15 Block 3 1:18 – Homeroom continue w/procedures 2:10 – 3:25 Electives

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