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The Digestive System Illustration courtesy of:

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1 The Digestive System Illustration courtesy of:

2 What is the function? To break down the food we eat so our bodies can use it, and then discard the rest

3 Name the Parts Oral Cavity (mouth) Salivary Glands Esophagus Liver
Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum Anus Liver Gallbladder Pancreas

4 Where do we begin? Oral Cavity: This is your mouth. It consists of :
Molars (tear food apart) Salivary Glands (produce saliva) Pharynx: Your throat Esophagus: the tube from your throat to your stomach

5 And Next Stomach: here digestive juices break down the food even more
Small Intestine: 20 feet long, breaks down and absorbs food particles into the blood stream, transports remaining food particles to the large intestine Large Intestine: Any useful substances in the leftovers, such as spare water and body minerals, are absorbed through the walls of the large intestine, back into the blood. The remains are formed into brown, semi-solid feces, ready to be removed from the body.


7 Other Digestive Organs
Liver: The liver is like a food-processing factory with more than 200 different jobs. Pancreas: makes powerful digestive juices called enzymes which help to digest food further as it enters the small intestines. Gall Bladder: stores a fluid called bile, which is made in the liver. It helps to digest fatty foods and also contains wastes for removal.

8 Yuck! Rectum: stores the feces.
Anus: Muscular region that pushes waste out of the body

9 So What? You tell me!

10 Your Assignment Create a Pop-Up Book

11 Let’s look at the Rubric

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