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ProviderConnect Registration Enhancements

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Presentation on theme: "ProviderConnect Registration Enhancements"— Presentation transcript:

1 ProviderConnect Registration Enhancements
Illinois Department of Human Services / Division of Mental Health and Illinois Mental Health Collaborative Present ProviderConnect Registration Enhancements January 2010

2 Implementation of Enhancements
The enhancements in this presentation will be implemented 1/29/10. ProviderConnect will be unavailable while the new screens and processes are put in place. An alert will be sent out the week of 1/25/10 with the specific down time.

3 Community Health and Prevention Fund - CHP
CHP fund will be administered by the Collaborative for all dates of service after 8/1/09 The Collaborative will receive a daily CHP eligibility file from DHS with consumers eligible to be registered in the CHP fund Consumers eligible for registration into the CHP fund will be identified with the fund ECHP. Consumers will need to have Social Services package B on file (fund – STBO) Consumers in SASS cannot be registered in the CHP fund When a provider registers a consumer in the CHP fund the consumer cannot be registered in any other core or special fund If a consumer is already registered for other funds – the registration needs to be closed first then the consumer can be registered in the CHP fund New closing disposition: 09 – CHP – Administrative closing A consumer can be in the CHP fund with one provider and other funds with a different provider at the same time A consumer can be in the CHP fund with only one provider

4 ECHP eligibility 4

5 Special Program Enrollment - New CHP fields and new Closing Disposition

6 Home Page 6

7 Register a Consumer If you go directly into Register a Consumer without going through the Specific Consumer search you will see the page below. 7

8 Questions?

9 Thank you!

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